Melis, Alessandro
Robust controllers design for unknown error and exosystem: a hybid optimization and output regulation approach, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Ingegneria biomedica, elettrica e dei sistemi, 32 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9470.
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This thesis addresses the problem of robustness in control in two main topics:
linear output regulation when no knowledge is assumed of the modes of the exosystem, and hybrid gradient-free optimization. A framework is presented for the
solution of the first problem, in which asymptotic regulation is achieved in case of a
persistence of excitation condition. The stability properties of the closed-loop system are proved under a small-gain argument with no minimum phase assumption.
The second part of the thesis addresses, and proposes, a solution to the gradientfree optimization problem, solved by a discrete-time direct search algorithm. The
algorithm is shown to convergence to the set of minima of a particular class of non
convex functions. It is, then, applied considering it coupled with a continuous-time
dynamical system. A hybrid controller is developed in order to guarantee convergence to the set of minima and stability of the interconnection of the two systems.
Almost global asymptotic is proven for the proposed hybrid controller. Shown to
not be robust to any bounded measurement noise, a robust solution is also proposed.
The aim of this thesis is to lay the ground for a solution of the output regulation
problem in case the error is unknown, but a proxy optimization function is available. A controller embedding the characteristics of the two proposed approaches, as
a main solution to the aforementioned problem, will be the focus of future studies.
This thesis addresses the problem of robustness in control in two main topics:
linear output regulation when no knowledge is assumed of the modes of the exosystem, and hybrid gradient-free optimization. A framework is presented for the
solution of the first problem, in which asymptotic regulation is achieved in case of a
persistence of excitation condition. The stability properties of the closed-loop system are proved under a small-gain argument with no minimum phase assumption.
The second part of the thesis addresses, and proposes, a solution to the gradientfree optimization problem, solved by a discrete-time direct search algorithm. The
algorithm is shown to convergence to the set of minima of a particular class of non
convex functions. It is, then, applied considering it coupled with a continuous-time
dynamical system. A hybrid controller is developed in order to guarantee convergence to the set of minima and stability of the interconnection of the two systems.
Almost global asymptotic is proven for the proposed hybrid controller. Shown to
not be robust to any bounded measurement noise, a robust solution is also proposed.
The aim of this thesis is to lay the ground for a solution of the output regulation
problem in case the error is unknown, but a proxy optimization function is available. A controller embedding the characteristics of the two proposed approaches, as
a main solution to the aforementioned problem, will be the focus of future studies.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Melis, Alessandro
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Direct Search, Adaptive Output Regulation, Hybrid Systems, Robust Optimization
Data di discussione
31 Marzo 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Melis, Alessandro
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Direct Search, Adaptive Output Regulation, Hybrid Systems, Robust Optimization
Data di discussione
31 Marzo 2020
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