A Ground Robot for Search And Rescue in Hostile Environment

Mirhassani, Seyedmohsen (2018) A Ground Robot for Search And Rescue in Hostile Environment, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria biomedica, elettrica e dei sistemi, 30 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8416.
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The recent sheer developments in the field of robotics has encouraged the researcher to consider the robots assisting human in different aspects of life. In this context, search and rescue is a very interesting ambient where the capabilities offered by the robots can be used to not only augment the quality of service but also impose lower risk to the human members of the rescue team. To this purpose, project SHERPA has been defined to investigate an intelligent heterogeneous robotic team in a search and rescue mission. The robotic team includes flying robots such as fixed wing and quad copters for the purpose of patrolling and surveillance and a ground rover that is mainly considered to provide a mobile power replenishment service for the quadrotors. Navigation of the ground rover on the unstructured outdoor environment defined by the SHERPA is of the main focuses of this thesis. Due to roughness of the terrain, there are a lot of issues on the way of a successful localization. Moreover, the planning has to be compatible with the robot and environment constraints to avoid imposing a risk of mechanical damage to the system. To accomplish the battery exchange operation, the rover is equipped with two auxiliary devices namely "Sherpa box" and "Sherpa robotic arm". In this thesis, firstly, designs of the two devices are introduced to the reader in details. Secondly, their integration with the ground rover will be covered. Finally two important benchmarks of the SHERPA project, namely "human leashing" and "battery exchange operation", will be addressed.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Mirhassani, Seyedmohsen
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Search and rescue robot, SHERPA, Rough terrain navigation, Mobile manipulator, Multi-robot cooperation
Data di discussione
8 Maggio 2018

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