Persic, Massimo
Non-thermal emission in the lobes of radio galaxies., [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Astrofisica, 31 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9203.
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Radio and gamma-ray measurements of radiogalaxy lobes are useful to determine whether emission in these widely separated spectral regions is mainly by non-thermal (NT) electrons. This is of interest as there is yet no proof for a significant emission component from pion decay following NT proton interactions in the ambient lobe gas. An assessment of the hadronic yield needs full accounting of the local (FGL) and background (EBL, CMB) radiation fields in the lobes. Assuming a truncated single-PL electron energy distribution, exact calculation of the emission by NT electrons in the magnetized plasma in the Fornax A lobes leads to the conclusion that its Fermi-LAT emission is mostly IC/GFL: this result weakens earlier conclusions on the hadronic origin of the LAT emission. Similar analyses of the lobe emissions of Cen A, Cen B, and NGC 6251 suggest their measured LAT emissions, too, to be of IC/(EBL, CFGL, CMB) nature. Measured emissions of distant radio-galaxy lobes (3C98, Pictor A, DA240, Cygnus A, 3C326, and 3C236) are currently limited to the radio and X-ray bands: they can give no information on the presence of NT protons, but do trace the properties of NT electrons, and allow calculations of the related IC gamma-ray emission to be performed. The e/B energy density ratios, U_e/U_B, turn out to be in the range ~1-100. The NT proton energy density, U_p, is spectrally constrained to be less than a few tens of eV/cm3. Despite this limit, arguably U_p >> U_e -- as suggested by arguments of lobe internal vs external pressure. Thus the lobes' NT energy budget is likely dominated by particles. Given the low thermal energy densities measured in lobes, NT energy dominance is probably a general feature of lobe energetics.
Radio and gamma-ray measurements of radiogalaxy lobes are useful to determine whether emission in these widely separated spectral regions is mainly by non-thermal (NT) electrons. This is of interest as there is yet no proof for a significant emission component from pion decay following NT proton interactions in the ambient lobe gas. An assessment of the hadronic yield needs full accounting of the local (FGL) and background (EBL, CMB) radiation fields in the lobes. Assuming a truncated single-PL electron energy distribution, exact calculation of the emission by NT electrons in the magnetized plasma in the Fornax A lobes leads to the conclusion that its Fermi-LAT emission is mostly IC/GFL: this result weakens earlier conclusions on the hadronic origin of the LAT emission. Similar analyses of the lobe emissions of Cen A, Cen B, and NGC 6251 suggest their measured LAT emissions, too, to be of IC/(EBL, CFGL, CMB) nature. Measured emissions of distant radio-galaxy lobes (3C98, Pictor A, DA240, Cygnus A, 3C326, and 3C236) are currently limited to the radio and X-ray bands: they can give no information on the presence of NT protons, but do trace the properties of NT electrons, and allow calculations of the related IC gamma-ray emission to be performed. The e/B energy density ratios, U_e/U_B, turn out to be in the range ~1-100. The NT proton energy density, U_p, is spectrally constrained to be less than a few tens of eV/cm3. Despite this limit, arguably U_p >> U_e -- as suggested by arguments of lobe internal vs external pressure. Thus the lobes' NT energy budget is likely dominated by particles. Given the low thermal energy densities measured in lobes, NT energy dominance is probably a general feature of lobe energetics.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Persic, Massimo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Non-thermal emission, radiogalaxies, lobes
Data di discussione
16 Marzo 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Persic, Massimo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Non-thermal emission, radiogalaxies, lobes
Data di discussione
16 Marzo 2020
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