Rodrigues Viana, Waldimir
Pedagogy of artistis and players : a look at teacher training for childhood education from a public school, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze pedagogiche, 36 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11085.
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This thesis is the result of plural research conducted in an exemplary public school, where methodological procedures, places, and people were diversified, along with the presented results. Everything was driven by a central question regarding the meaning and relevance of Brazilian artists and players (playmates), who are predominantly connected to the training of teachers for early childhood education. Divided into six chapters or movements, the work presents variations in terms of textual genres. Some topics possess conventional academic characteristics, while others are presented in the form of essays and pedagogical tales, and even in video format. The thesis confirms that multiple knowledge and wisdom originating from these individuals, namely artistic languages and play, emerge as indispensable elements within early childhood education standards, making them essential for the comprehensive development of children and therefore fundamental to the professionalization of early childhood educators. From this perspective, the pedagogy is conceived as a set of knowledge derived from the culture of Brazilian childhood, embodied by both forming and non-forming artists and players (playmates) those who endeavor to grasp various elements of artistic and playful nature of childhood, which, observed, revisited, preserved, transformed, and reinvented, are directed towards child learners. It is precisely through the predicate of unity that such a conception is admitted: the pedagogy of artists and players (playmates)! This pedagogy does not define itself by the imposition of official curricular structures, but rather shapes a pedagogical unity by bringing together actions, content, and experiences that reverberate, consequently, in the daily life of schools.
This thesis is the result of plural research conducted in an exemplary public school, where methodological procedures, places, and people were diversified, along with the presented results. Everything was driven by a central question regarding the meaning and relevance of Brazilian artists and players (playmates), who are predominantly connected to the training of teachers for early childhood education. Divided into six chapters or movements, the work presents variations in terms of textual genres. Some topics possess conventional academic characteristics, while others are presented in the form of essays and pedagogical tales, and even in video format. The thesis confirms that multiple knowledge and wisdom originating from these individuals, namely artistic languages and play, emerge as indispensable elements within early childhood education standards, making them essential for the comprehensive development of children and therefore fundamental to the professionalization of early childhood educators. From this perspective, the pedagogy is conceived as a set of knowledge derived from the culture of Brazilian childhood, embodied by both forming and non-forming artists and players (playmates) those who endeavor to grasp various elements of artistic and playful nature of childhood, which, observed, revisited, preserved, transformed, and reinvented, are directed towards child learners. It is precisely through the predicate of unity that such a conception is admitted: the pedagogy of artists and players (playmates)! This pedagogy does not define itself by the imposition of official curricular structures, but rather shapes a pedagogical unity by bringing together actions, content, and experiences that reverberate, consequently, in the daily life of schools.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rodrigues Viana, Waldimir
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Artists and players (playmates); Teacher training; Early childhood education
Data di discussione
15 Giugno 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rodrigues Viana, Waldimir
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Artists and players (playmates); Teacher training; Early childhood education
Data di discussione
15 Giugno 2023
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