Radio Channel Characterization for Future Wireless Networks and Applications

Zoli, Marco (2018) Radio Channel Characterization for Future Wireless Networks and Applications, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria elettronica, telecomunicazioni e tecnologie dell'informazione, 30 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8531.
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The new frontier of Above-6GHz bands is revolutionizing the field of wireless telecommunications, requiring new radio channel models to support the development of future Giga-bit-per-second systems. Recently, deterministic ray-based models as Ray Tracing are catching on worldwide thanks to their frequency-agility and reliable predictions. A modern 3D Ray Tracing developed at University of Bologna has been indeed calibrated and used to investigate the Above-6GHz radio channel properties. As starting point, an item-level electromagnetic characterization of common items and materials has been achieved successfully to obtain information about the complex permittivity, scattering diagrams and even de-polarization effects, both utilizing Vector Spectrum Analyzer (at 7-15GHz) and custom Channel Sounder (at 70GHz). Thus, a complete tuning of the Ray Tracing has been completed for Above-6GHz frequencies. Then, 70GHz indoor doubledirectional channel measurements have been performed in collaboration with TU Ilmenau, in order to attain a multidimensional analysis of propagation mechanisms in time and space, outlining the differences between Below- and Above-6GHz propagation. Furthermore, multi-antenna systems, as Multiple-Input-Multiple- Output (MIMO) and Beamforming have been taken into considerations, as strategic technologies for Above-6GHz systems, focusing on their implementation, limits and differences. Finally, complex system simulations of Space-Division-Multiple- Access (SDMA) networks in indoor scenarios have been tested, to assess the capabilities of Beamforming. In particular, efficient Beam Search and Tracking algorithms have been proposed to assess the impact of interference on Multi-User Beamforming at 70GHz and, also, novel Multi-Beam Beamforming schemes have been tested at 60GHz to investigate diversity strategies to cope with NLOS link and Human Blockage events. Moreover, the novel concept of Ray-Tracing-assisted Beamforming has been outlined, showing that ray-based models represent today the promising key tools to evaluate, design and enhance the future Above-6GHz multi-antenna systems.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Zoli, Marco
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Radio Channel Modeling, Beamforming, Ray Tracing, mmWaves
Data di discussione
11 Maggio 2018

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