Mummolo, Liviana
Nanostructured luminescent chemosensors for environmental and biomedical applications, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Nanoscienze per la medicina e per l'ambiente, 33 Ciclo.
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Nanomaterials are nowadays widely recognised as advantageous sensing tools due to their unique properties.
Some natural nanomaterials, such as DNA or hyaluronic acid analysed in this PhD thesis, have an intrinsic biocompatibility that overcomes a series of issues in the field of sensing in biological environments.
Therefore, the main aim of this project was to derivatize HA chains with luminescent dyes - both organic and metal complexes - in order to obtain natural polymer-based optical sensors.
A derivatization of HA with these moieties was obtained and a photophysical characterization was provided. To prove their sensing ability towards nanomaterials, the interaction with. PluS Nanoparticles, featuring an outer PEG shell, was tested. It was mostly demonstrated that the main features of the luminophores used were present in the HA nanogels as well. For example, HA@Dansyl was proven to be a luminescent probe able to sense different environment polarities. Furthermore, in HA@PA the amount of excimers/monomers emission was found to be relatable to the degree of entanglement of HA chains, that changes upon interactions with nanoparticles.
Moreover, two ruthenium bipyridyl derivatives were linked to HA and it was found out that HA interacts with long DNA sequences.
Also, the presence of BPA, a small molecule of environmental concern, was detected using (i) an already studied hyaluronic acid derivative with rhodamine (HA@RB) , (ii) a dizinc ruthenium complex coordinating BPA to the metal centres, and (iii) a new probe constituted by PluSNPs@DEAC and HA@RB. Despite all the systems were found to be able to detect BPA, the latter probe presented advantages in terms of sensitivity.
Furthermore, the chapter 2 of this thesis is focused on the detection of a NF-κB protein in PC3 cancer cells. via confocal microscopy by following a FRET signal variation on a triplex-hairpin derivatized with a FRET couple of dyes.
Nanomaterials are nowadays widely recognised as advantageous sensing tools due to their unique properties.
Some natural nanomaterials, such as DNA or hyaluronic acid analysed in this PhD thesis, have an intrinsic biocompatibility that overcomes a series of issues in the field of sensing in biological environments.
Therefore, the main aim of this project was to derivatize HA chains with luminescent dyes - both organic and metal complexes - in order to obtain natural polymer-based optical sensors.
A derivatization of HA with these moieties was obtained and a photophysical characterization was provided. To prove their sensing ability towards nanomaterials, the interaction with. PluS Nanoparticles, featuring an outer PEG shell, was tested. It was mostly demonstrated that the main features of the luminophores used were present in the HA nanogels as well. For example, HA@Dansyl was proven to be a luminescent probe able to sense different environment polarities. Furthermore, in HA@PA the amount of excimers/monomers emission was found to be relatable to the degree of entanglement of HA chains, that changes upon interactions with nanoparticles.
Moreover, two ruthenium bipyridyl derivatives were linked to HA and it was found out that HA interacts with long DNA sequences.
Also, the presence of BPA, a small molecule of environmental concern, was detected using (i) an already studied hyaluronic acid derivative with rhodamine (HA@RB) , (ii) a dizinc ruthenium complex coordinating BPA to the metal centres, and (iii) a new probe constituted by PluSNPs@DEAC and HA@RB. Despite all the systems were found to be able to detect BPA, the latter probe presented advantages in terms of sensitivity.
Furthermore, the chapter 2 of this thesis is focused on the detection of a NF-κB protein in PC3 cancer cells. via confocal microscopy by following a FRET signal variation on a triplex-hairpin derivatized with a FRET couple of dyes.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Mummolo, Liviana
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
hyaluronic acid, sensors, biosensors, nanomedicine, DNA, nanoparticles
Data di discussione
31 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Mummolo, Liviana
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
hyaluronic acid, sensors, biosensors, nanomedicine, DNA, nanoparticles
Data di discussione
31 Maggio 2021
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