Development of 3D Cancer Cell Models to Test Metabolic Interventions as an Anticancer Strategy

Da Silva Almeida, Ana Catarina (2021) Development of 3D Cancer Cell Models to Test Metabolic Interventions as an Anticancer Strategy, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Biologia cellulare e molecolare, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9746.
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In recent years, it has become evident that the role of mitochondria in the metabolic rewiring is essential for cancer development and progression. The metabolic profile during tumorigenesis has been performed mainly in traditional 2D cell models, including cell lines of various lineages and phenotypes. Although useful in many ways, their relevance can be often debatable, as they lack the interactions between different cells of the tumour microenvironment and/or interaction with the extracellular matrix 1,2. Improved models are now being developed using 3D cell culture technology, contributing with increased physiological relevance 3,4. In this work, we improved a method for the generation of 3D models from healthy and tumour colon tissue, based on organoid technology, and performed their molecular and biochemical characterization and validation. Further, in-plate cryopreservation was applied to these models, and optimal results were obtained in terms of cell viability and functionality of the cryopreserved models. We also cryopreserved colon fibroblasts with the aim to introduce them in a co-culture cryopreserved model with organoids. This technology allows the conversion of cell models into “plug and play” formats. Therefore, cryopreservation in-plate facilitates the accessibility of specialized cell models to cell-based research and application, in cases where otherwise such specialized models would be out of reach. Finally, we briefly explored the field of bioprinting, by testing a new matrix to support the growth of colon tumour organoids, which revealed promising preliminary results. To facilitate the reader, we organized this thesis into chapters, divided by the main points of work which include development, characterization and validation of the model, commercial output, and associated applications. Each chapter has a brief introduction, followed by results and discussion and a final conclusion. The thesis has also a general discussion and conclusion section in the end, which covers the main results obtained during this work.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Da Silva Almeida, Ana Catarina
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
3D cell models, organoids, colon cancer, cryopreservation
Data di discussione
9 Giugno 2021

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