Rouhi, Rahimeh
Classification and Clustering of Shared Images on Social Networks and User Profile Linking, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Computer science and engineering, 32 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9403.
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The ever increasing prevalence of smartphones and the popularity of social network platforms have facilitated instant sharing of multimedia content through social networks. However, the ease in taking and sharing photos and videos through social networks also allows privacy-intrusive and illegal content to be widely distributed. As such, images captured and shared by users on their profiles are considered as significant digital evidence for social network data analysis. The Sensor Pattern Noise (SPN) caused by camera sensor imperfections during the manufacturing process mainly consists of the Photo-Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) noise that can be extracted from taken images without hacking the device. It has been proven to be an effective and robust device fingerprint that can be used for different important digital image forensic tasks, such as image forgery detection, source device identification and device linking. Particularly, by fingerprinting the camera sources captured a set of shared images on social networks, User Profile Linking (UPL) can be performed on social network platforms. The aim of this thesis is to present effective and robust methods and algorithms for better fulfilling shared image analysis based on SPN. We propose clustering and classification based methods to achieve Smartphone Identification (SI) and UPL tasks, given a set of images captured by a known number of smartphones and shared on a set of known user profiles. The important outcome of the proposed methods is UPL across different social networks where the clustered images from one social network are applied to fingerprint the related smartphones and link user profiles on the other social network. Also, we propose two methods for large-scale image clustering of different types of the shared images by users, without prior knowledge about the types and number of the smartphones.
The ever increasing prevalence of smartphones and the popularity of social network platforms have facilitated instant sharing of multimedia content through social networks. However, the ease in taking and sharing photos and videos through social networks also allows privacy-intrusive and illegal content to be widely distributed. As such, images captured and shared by users on their profiles are considered as significant digital evidence for social network data analysis. The Sensor Pattern Noise (SPN) caused by camera sensor imperfections during the manufacturing process mainly consists of the Photo-Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) noise that can be extracted from taken images without hacking the device. It has been proven to be an effective and robust device fingerprint that can be used for different important digital image forensic tasks, such as image forgery detection, source device identification and device linking. Particularly, by fingerprinting the camera sources captured a set of shared images on social networks, User Profile Linking (UPL) can be performed on social network platforms. The aim of this thesis is to present effective and robust methods and algorithms for better fulfilling shared image analysis based on SPN. We propose clustering and classification based methods to achieve Smartphone Identification (SI) and UPL tasks, given a set of images captured by a known number of smartphones and shared on a set of known user profiles. The important outcome of the proposed methods is UPL across different social networks where the clustered images from one social network are applied to fingerprint the related smartphones and link user profiles on the other social network. Also, we propose two methods for large-scale image clustering of different types of the shared images by users, without prior knowledge about the types and number of the smartphones.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rouhi, Rahimeh
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Sensor pattern noise, Camera fingerprinting, Smartphone identification, Image clustering, Image classification, User profile linking, Social network data analysis
Data di discussione
3 Aprile 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rouhi, Rahimeh
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Sensor pattern noise, Camera fingerprinting, Smartphone identification, Image clustering, Image classification, User profile linking, Social network data analysis
Data di discussione
3 Aprile 2020
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