Zingaro, Stefano Pio
Interoperability Challenges in Internet of Things Systems: a Service-Oriented Computing Approach, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Computer science and engineering, 32 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9088.
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Internet of Things systems are pervasive systems evolved from cyber-physical to large-scale systems. Due to the number of technologies involved, software development involves several integration challenges. Among them, the ones preventing proper integration are those related to the system heterogeneity, and thus addressing interoperability issues. From a software engineering perspective, developers mostly experience the lack of interoperability in the two phases of software development: programming and deployment. On the one hand, modern software tends to be distributed in several components, each adopting its most-appropriate technology stack, pushing programmers to code in a protocol- and data-agnostic way. On the other hand, each software component should run in the most appropriate execution environment and, as a result, system architects strive to automate the deployment in distributed infrastructures.
This dissertation aims to improve the development process by introducing proper tools to handle certain aspects of the system heterogeneity. Our effort focuses on three of these aspects and, for each one of those, we propose a tool addressing the underlying challenge. The first tool aims to handle heterogeneity at the transport and application protocol level, the second to manage different data formats, while the third to obtain optimal deployment.
To realize the tools, we adopted a linguistic approach, i.e.\ we provided specific linguistic abstractions that help developers to increase the expressive power of the programming language they use, writing better solutions in more straightforward ways.
To validate the approach, we implemented use cases to show that the tools can be used in practice and that they help to achieve the expected level of interoperability.
In conclusion, to move a step towards the realization of an integrated Internet of Things ecosystem, we target programmers and architects and propose them to use the presented tools to ease the software development process.
Internet of Things systems are pervasive systems evolved from cyber-physical to large-scale systems. Due to the number of technologies involved, software development involves several integration challenges. Among them, the ones preventing proper integration are those related to the system heterogeneity, and thus addressing interoperability issues. From a software engineering perspective, developers mostly experience the lack of interoperability in the two phases of software development: programming and deployment. On the one hand, modern software tends to be distributed in several components, each adopting its most-appropriate technology stack, pushing programmers to code in a protocol- and data-agnostic way. On the other hand, each software component should run in the most appropriate execution environment and, as a result, system architects strive to automate the deployment in distributed infrastructures.
This dissertation aims to improve the development process by introducing proper tools to handle certain aspects of the system heterogeneity. Our effort focuses on three of these aspects and, for each one of those, we propose a tool addressing the underlying challenge. The first tool aims to handle heterogeneity at the transport and application protocol level, the second to manage different data formats, while the third to obtain optimal deployment.
To realize the tools, we adopted a linguistic approach, i.e.\ we provided specific linguistic abstractions that help developers to increase the expressive power of the programming language they use, writing better solutions in more straightforward ways.
To validate the approach, we implemented use cases to show that the tools can be used in practice and that they help to achieve the expected level of interoperability.
In conclusion, to move a step towards the realization of an integrated Internet of Things ecosystem, we target programmers and architects and propose them to use the presented tools to ease the software development process.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Zingaro, Stefano Pio
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
internet of things, service-oriented architectures, programming language, continuous integration
Data di discussione
3 Aprile 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Zingaro, Stefano Pio
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
internet of things, service-oriented architectures, programming language, continuous integration
Data di discussione
3 Aprile 2020
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