Uncovering the encoding and transmission of behaviourally relevant information in neural activity

Celotto, Marco (2024) Uncovering the encoding and transmission of behaviourally relevant information in neural activity, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Data science and computation, 35 Ciclo.
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Most cognitive functions require the encoding and routing of information across distributed networks of brain regions. Information propagation is typically attributed to physical connections existing between brain regions, and contributes to the formation of spatially correlated activity patterns, known as functional connectivity. While structural connectivity provides the anatomical foundation for neural interactions, the exact manner in which it shapes functional connectivity is complex and not yet fully understood. Additionally, traditional measures of directed functional connectivity only capture the overall correlation between neural activity, and provide no insight on the content of transmitted information, limiting their ability in understanding neural computations underlying the distributed processing of behaviorally-relevant variables. In this work, we first study the relationship between structural and functional connectivity in simulated recurrent spiking neural networks with spike timing dependent plasticity. We use established measures of time-lagged correlation and overall information propagation to infer the temporal evolution of synaptic weights, showing that measures of dynamic functional connectivity can be used to reliably reconstruct the evolution of structural properties of the network. Then, we extend current methods of directed causal communication between brain areas, by deriving an information-theoretic measure of Feature-specific Information Transfer (FIT) quantifying the amount, content and direction of information flow. We test FIT on simulated data, showing its key properties and advantages over traditional measures of overall propagated information. We show applications of FIT to several neural datasets obtained with different recording methods (magneto and electro-encephalography, spiking activity, local field potentials) during various cognitive functions, ranging from sensory perception to decision making and motor learning. Overall, these analyses demonstrate the ability of FIT to advance the investigation of communication between brain regions, uncovering the previously unaddressed content of directed information flow.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Celotto, Marco
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Information Theory, Neuroscience, Encoding, Directional Connectivity
Data di discussione
10 Aprile 2024

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