Advanced imaging study in cerebrovascular pathology for the personalization of therapy: from the capillary microcirculation to the vessel wall

Rustici, Arianna (2024) Advanced imaging study in cerebrovascular pathology for the personalization of therapy: from the capillary microcirculation to the vessel wall, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze biomediche e neuromotorie, 37 Ciclo.
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Objectives: To investigate the use of intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) for carotid artery stenting (CAS) procedures in patients with atherosclerotic stenosis. Examine possible markers that might identify the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions on MRI. Specifically, attention was drawn to the morphological features of the used dual layer stent, which could be underestimated during traditional CAS procedures. Secondary goals are to compare the safety and efficacy of different CAS techniques and the accuracy of the vessel analysis software’s on pre-operative CTA examination used to quantify ICA stenosis with the gold standard IVOCT. Material and Methods: Ten patients underwent CAS procedure with flow-arrest technique and IVOCT evaluations prior to and following stent deployment, while five matched patients underwent CAS procedure with distal embolic protection device (EPD) technique. All patients underwent 24-hours 3T MRI examination to check for ischemic lesions; all patients were treated with the same dual-layer stent. Results: Patients with new ischemic lesions demonstrated peculiar stent configuration in the distal end, and a strong Spearman’s rank order correlation was found among the volume of new DWI lesions and the stent configuration in its distal end (Rs: 0.81; p <0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed in the total burden of new ischemic lesions for each technique. The vessel analysis software's on CTA comparison demonstrated a higher diagnostic accuracy in the degree of ICA stenosis compared to the gold standard of IVOCT of the specialized software (ROC curve = 0.63; p = 0.06) compared to the general software (ROC curve = 0.57, p = 0.31). Conclusions: Study’s results support the use of IVOCT to allow recognition of potential features that can predict the onset of new cerebral ischemic lesions. Additionally, IVOCT made it possible to evaluate specialized software's increased accuracy in the pre-operative evaluation of ICA atherosclerotic stenosis.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rustici, Arianna
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
intravascular OCT; carotid stenosis; carotid stent; DWI-MRI
Data di discussione
21 Marzo 2024

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