Angelinelli, Matteo
A hydrodynamical view on the mass accretion onto massive halos, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Astrofisica, 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10905.
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This Thesis presents the results of my work on how galaxy clusters form by the
accretion of sub-clumps and diffuse materials, and how the accreted energy is distributed in the X-ray emitting plasma. Indeed, on scales larger than tens of millions of light years, the Universe is self-organised by gravity into a spiderweb, the Cosmic Web. Galaxy clusters are the knots of this Cosmic Web, but a strong definition of filaments (which link different knots) and their physical proprieties, is still uncertain. Even if this pattern was determined by studying the spatial distribution of galaxies in the optical band, recently, also in the X-rays probes of filamentary structures around galaxy clusters were obtained. Therefore, given these observational facilities, the galaxy clusters’ outskirts are the best candidate regions to detect filaments and study their physical characteristics. However, from X-rays observations, we have only a few detections of cosmic filaments to date.
On the other hand, it is crucial to understand how the accreted energy is dissipated
in the baryon content of galaxy clusters and groups. Indeed, it is well known
that in the central region of galaxy clusters and groups, the baryon fraction increases with the halo mass. On the outer region, the lack of X-rays constraints influences our understanding of the evolution of baryons in the halos volume. The standard assumption of “closed-box” system, for which the baryon fraction should approach the cosmological ratio Omega_bar/Omega_m, for galaxy clusters and groups seems to be too strong, especially for less massive objects. Moreover, a complete redshift evolution of baryons in galaxy clusters and groups is still missing.
This Thesis presents the results of my work on how galaxy clusters form by the
accretion of sub-clumps and diffuse materials, and how the accreted energy is distributed in the X-ray emitting plasma. Indeed, on scales larger than tens of millions of light years, the Universe is self-organised by gravity into a spiderweb, the Cosmic Web. Galaxy clusters are the knots of this Cosmic Web, but a strong definition of filaments (which link different knots) and their physical proprieties, is still uncertain. Even if this pattern was determined by studying the spatial distribution of galaxies in the optical band, recently, also in the X-rays probes of filamentary structures around galaxy clusters were obtained. Therefore, given these observational facilities, the galaxy clusters’ outskirts are the best candidate regions to detect filaments and study their physical characteristics. However, from X-rays observations, we have only a few detections of cosmic filaments to date.
On the other hand, it is crucial to understand how the accreted energy is dissipated
in the baryon content of galaxy clusters and groups. Indeed, it is well known
that in the central region of galaxy clusters and groups, the baryon fraction increases with the halo mass. On the outer region, the lack of X-rays constraints influences our understanding of the evolution of baryons in the halos volume. The standard assumption of “closed-box” system, for which the baryon fraction should approach the cosmological ratio Omega_bar/Omega_m, for galaxy clusters and groups seems to be too strong, especially for less massive objects. Moreover, a complete redshift evolution of baryons in galaxy clusters and groups is still missing.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Angelinelli, Matteo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Galaxy clusters and groups. Numerical simulations. Turbulence. Cosmological evolution.
Data di discussione
30 Giugno 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Angelinelli, Matteo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Galaxy clusters and groups. Numerical simulations. Turbulence. Cosmological evolution.
Data di discussione
30 Giugno 2023
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