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This thesis investigates language and culture learning through technologies with special attention to the global and local dimensions of this process. Building upon three case studies experienced at the University of Bologna, the examination of the usage and the effectiveness of technological tools for language and culture learning is conducted in relation with the phenomena of student mobility and internationalisation of higher education. The primary focus is upon Italian language and culture, but other languages and cultures are also taken into account. Similarly, some specific technologies – i.e. the Moodle platform, the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and the context of mobile Apps – are spotlighted while dealing with technology for learning purposes in more general terms.
The initial chapter is dedicated to providing a thorough methodological overview and raises the relevant critical issues which will be discussed in the following chapters. The second chapter is devoted to the E-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages) experience, which resulted in the creation of the E-LOCAL Moodle courses for six languages and cultures and their institutional systematisation. The third chapter analyses the transition from the E-LOCAL Moodle course to the E-LOCAL MOOC course of Italian language and culture. The fourth chapter discusses the ILOCALAPP (Incidentally Learning Other Cultures And Languages through an APP) the experience and the usage of the UniOn! App for the incidental learning of languages and cultures, whose contents are geo-localised in the reference cities.
To conclude, the final chapter provides a systematic reflection upon the results collected in the attempt to identify a possible theoretical framework for learning languages and cultures through technologies. In fact, the conclusions of this work summarise the current and future usages of the tools described, while also opening the path to new possible research perspectives.
This thesis investigates language and culture learning through technologies with special attention to the global and local dimensions of this process. Building upon three case studies experienced at the University of Bologna, the examination of the usage and the effectiveness of technological tools for language and culture learning is conducted in relation with the phenomena of student mobility and internationalisation of higher education. The primary focus is upon Italian language and culture, but other languages and cultures are also taken into account. Similarly, some specific technologies – i.e. the Moodle platform, the MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and the context of mobile Apps – are spotlighted while dealing with technology for learning purposes in more general terms.
The initial chapter is dedicated to providing a thorough methodological overview and raises the relevant critical issues which will be discussed in the following chapters. The second chapter is devoted to the E-LOCAL (Electronically Learning Other Cultures And Languages) experience, which resulted in the creation of the E-LOCAL Moodle courses for six languages and cultures and their institutional systematisation. The third chapter analyses the transition from the E-LOCAL Moodle course to the E-LOCAL MOOC course of Italian language and culture. The fourth chapter discusses the ILOCALAPP (Incidentally Learning Other Cultures And Languages through an APP) the experience and the usage of the UniOn! App for the incidental learning of languages and cultures, whose contents are geo-localised in the reference cities.
To conclude, the final chapter provides a systematic reflection upon the results collected in the attempt to identify a possible theoretical framework for learning languages and cultures through technologies. In fact, the conclusions of this work summarise the current and future usages of the tools described, while also opening the path to new possible research perspectives.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Valva, Antonella
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
language and culture learning, educational technology, internationalisation of higher education
Data di discussione
9 Aprile 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Valva, Antonella
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
language and culture learning, educational technology, internationalisation of higher education
Data di discussione
9 Aprile 2020
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