Mensali, Elisabetta
Joint value at risk: a new conditional risk measure, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze statistiche, 35 Ciclo.
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In this PhD thesis a new firm level conditional risk measure is developed. It is named Joint Value at Risk (JVaR) and is defined as a quantile of a conditional distribution of interest, where the conditioning event is a latent upper tail event. It addresses the problem of how risk changes under extreme volatility scenarios.
The properties of JVaR are studied based on a stochastic volatility representation of the underlying process.
We prove that JVaR is leverage consistent, i.e. it is an increasing function of the dependence parameter in the stochastic representation.
A feasible class of nonparametric M-estimators is introduced
by exploiting the elicitability of quantiles and the stochastic ordering theory.
Consistency and asymptotic normality of the two stage M-estimator are derived, and a simulation study is reported to illustrate its finite-sample properties.
Parametric estimation methods are also discussed.
The relation with the VaR is exploited to introduce a volatility contribution measure, and a tail risk measure is also proposed.
The analysis of the dynamic JVaR is presented based on asymmetric stochastic volatility models.
Empirical results with S&P500 data show that accounting for extreme volatility levels is relevant to better characterize the evolution of risk.
The work is complemented by a review of the literature, where we provide an overview on quantile risk measures, elicitable functionals and several stochastic orderings.
In this PhD thesis a new firm level conditional risk measure is developed. It is named Joint Value at Risk (JVaR) and is defined as a quantile of a conditional distribution of interest, where the conditioning event is a latent upper tail event. It addresses the problem of how risk changes under extreme volatility scenarios.
The properties of JVaR are studied based on a stochastic volatility representation of the underlying process.
We prove that JVaR is leverage consistent, i.e. it is an increasing function of the dependence parameter in the stochastic representation.
A feasible class of nonparametric M-estimators is introduced
by exploiting the elicitability of quantiles and the stochastic ordering theory.
Consistency and asymptotic normality of the two stage M-estimator are derived, and a simulation study is reported to illustrate its finite-sample properties.
Parametric estimation methods are also discussed.
The relation with the VaR is exploited to introduce a volatility contribution measure, and a tail risk measure is also proposed.
The analysis of the dynamic JVaR is presented based on asymmetric stochastic volatility models.
Empirical results with S&P500 data show that accounting for extreme volatility levels is relevant to better characterize the evolution of risk.
The work is complemented by a review of the literature, where we provide an overview on quantile risk measures, elicitable functionals and several stochastic orderings.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Mensali, Elisabetta
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Risk measures, Stochastic Volatility, Elicitability, M-estimators, Stochastic ordering
Data di discussione
15 Giugno 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Mensali, Elisabetta
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Risk measures, Stochastic Volatility, Elicitability, M-estimators, Stochastic ordering
Data di discussione
15 Giugno 2023
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