Satanassi, Sara
Investigating the learning potential of the Second Quantum Revolution: development of an approach for secondary school students, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Fisica, 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10716.
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In recent years we have witnessed important changes: the Second Quantum Revolution is in the spotlight of many countries, and it is creating a new generation of technologies.
To unlock the potential of the Second Quantum Revolution, several countries have launched strategic plans and research programs that finance and set the pace of research and development of these new technologies (like the Quantum Flagship, the National Quantum Initiative Act and so on).
The increasing pace of technological changes is also challenging science education and institutional systems, requiring them to help to prepare new generations of experts.
This work is placed within physics education research and contributes to the challenge by developing an approach and a course about the Second Quantum Revolution. The aims are to promote quantum literacy and, in particular, to value from a cultural and educational perspective the Second Revolution.
The dissertation is articulated in two parts. In the first, we unpack the Second Quantum Revolution from a cultural perspective and shed light on the main revolutionary aspects that are elevated to the rank of principles implemented in the design of a course for secondary school students, prospective and in-service teachers. The design process and the educational reconstruction of the activities are presented as well as the results of a pilot study conducted to investigate the impact of the approach on students' understanding and to gather feedback to refine and improve the instructional materials.
The second part consists of the exploration of the Second Quantum Revolution as a context to introduce some basic concepts of quantum physics. We present the results of an implementation with secondary school students to investigate if and to what extent external representations could play any role to promote students’ understanding and acceptance of quantum physics as a personal reliable description of the world.
In recent years we have witnessed important changes: the Second Quantum Revolution is in the spotlight of many countries, and it is creating a new generation of technologies.
To unlock the potential of the Second Quantum Revolution, several countries have launched strategic plans and research programs that finance and set the pace of research and development of these new technologies (like the Quantum Flagship, the National Quantum Initiative Act and so on).
The increasing pace of technological changes is also challenging science education and institutional systems, requiring them to help to prepare new generations of experts.
This work is placed within physics education research and contributes to the challenge by developing an approach and a course about the Second Quantum Revolution. The aims are to promote quantum literacy and, in particular, to value from a cultural and educational perspective the Second Revolution.
The dissertation is articulated in two parts. In the first, we unpack the Second Quantum Revolution from a cultural perspective and shed light on the main revolutionary aspects that are elevated to the rank of principles implemented in the design of a course for secondary school students, prospective and in-service teachers. The design process and the educational reconstruction of the activities are presented as well as the results of a pilot study conducted to investigate the impact of the approach on students' understanding and to gather feedback to refine and improve the instructional materials.
The second part consists of the exploration of the Second Quantum Revolution as a context to introduce some basic concepts of quantum physics. We present the results of an implementation with secondary school students to investigate if and to what extent external representations could play any role to promote students’ understanding and acceptance of quantum physics as a personal reliable description of the world.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Satanassi, Sara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Physics education research, quantum physics and quantum technologies, interdisciplinarity, teaching and learning processes, educational reconstruction, sense making
Data di discussione
15 Marzo 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Satanassi, Sara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Physics education research, quantum physics and quantum technologies, interdisciplinarity, teaching and learning processes, educational reconstruction, sense making
Data di discussione
15 Marzo 2023
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