Nikolaou, Pavlos
Drive up electrochemical and electrochemiluminescence signal through biosensing mechanism optimization, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Chimica, 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10639.
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Biomarkers are biological indicators of human health conditions. Their ultra-sensitive quantification is of cardinal importance in clinical monitoring and early disease diagnosis. Biosensors are some worldwide simple and easy-to-use analytical devices as a matter of fact, biosensors using electrochemiluminescence (ECL) are one of the most promising biosensors that needs an ever-increasing sensitivity for improving its clinical effectiveness.
The principal aspiration of this project is the investigation of the ECL generation mechanisms for enhancing the ECL intensity and the development of an ultrasensitive sensor, the use of metal-oxide materials (Mox) and the substitution of metal-free dyes. Novel dyes such as BODIPY, TADF are used to improve the sensitivity of ECL techniques thanks to their advantageous and tunable properties, enhancing the signal and also the ECL efficiency. Additionally, the use of Mox could be beneficial for the investigation of two different ECL mechanisms, which occur simultaneously.
In this thesis, the investigation of size and distance effects on electrochemical (EC) mechanisms was carried out through the innovative combination of a standard detection system using different size of micromagnetic beads (MBs). That allowed the discovery of an unexpected and highly efficient mechanistic path for electrochemical generation at small distances from the electrode’s surface. The smallest MBs (0.1μm) demostrate an enhancement of electrochemical signal than the bigger one (2.8μm) until 4 times of magnitude.
Finally, a novel ultrasensitive sensor, based on the coreactant-luminophores mechanism, was developed for the determination of whole viral genome specific for cardiac HBV and COVID-19 virus.
In conclusion, the ECL and the use of EC techniques (such as amperometry), improved the understanding of mechanisms responsible for the ECL/EC signal led to a great enhancement in the signal.
Biomarkers are biological indicators of human health conditions. Their ultra-sensitive quantification is of cardinal importance in clinical monitoring and early disease diagnosis. Biosensors are some worldwide simple and easy-to-use analytical devices as a matter of fact, biosensors using electrochemiluminescence (ECL) are one of the most promising biosensors that needs an ever-increasing sensitivity for improving its clinical effectiveness.
The principal aspiration of this project is the investigation of the ECL generation mechanisms for enhancing the ECL intensity and the development of an ultrasensitive sensor, the use of metal-oxide materials (Mox) and the substitution of metal-free dyes. Novel dyes such as BODIPY, TADF are used to improve the sensitivity of ECL techniques thanks to their advantageous and tunable properties, enhancing the signal and also the ECL efficiency. Additionally, the use of Mox could be beneficial for the investigation of two different ECL mechanisms, which occur simultaneously.
In this thesis, the investigation of size and distance effects on electrochemical (EC) mechanisms was carried out through the innovative combination of a standard detection system using different size of micromagnetic beads (MBs). That allowed the discovery of an unexpected and highly efficient mechanistic path for electrochemical generation at small distances from the electrode’s surface. The smallest MBs (0.1μm) demostrate an enhancement of electrochemical signal than the bigger one (2.8μm) until 4 times of magnitude.
Finally, a novel ultrasensitive sensor, based on the coreactant-luminophores mechanism, was developed for the determination of whole viral genome specific for cardiac HBV and COVID-19 virus.
In conclusion, the ECL and the use of EC techniques (such as amperometry), improved the understanding of mechanisms responsible for the ECL/EC signal led to a great enhancement in the signal.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Nikolaou, Pavlos
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Biosensors, Electrochemiluminescence, DNA sensing, Electrochemical mechanisms
Data di discussione
20 Marzo 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Nikolaou, Pavlos
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Biosensors, Electrochemiluminescence, DNA sensing, Electrochemical mechanisms
Data di discussione
20 Marzo 2023
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