Biotechnological approaches to valorize alternative protein source, waste and by-products from food industries

Rossi, Samantha (2023) Biotechnological approaches to valorize alternative protein source, waste and by-products from food industries, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari, 35 Ciclo.
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The PhD research project was a striking example of the enhancement of milling by-product and alternative protein sources from house cricket (Acheta domesticus), conceived as sustainable and renewable sources, to produce innovative food products. During milling processing of wheat and rye, several by-products with high technological and functional potential, are produced. The use of selected microbial consortia, allowed to obtain a pre-fermented ingredient for use in the bakery. The pre-ferments obtained were characterized by a high technological, functional and nutritional value, also interesting from a nutraceutical point of view. Bakery products obtained by the addition of pre-fermented ingredients were characterized by a greater quantity of aromatic molecules and an increase in SCFA, antioxidant activity, total amino acids and total phenols resulting in positive effect on the functionality. Moreover, the industrial scaling-up of pre-ferment and innovative bakery goods production, developed in this research, underlined the technological applicability of pre-fermented ingredients on a large scale. Moreover, the identification of innovative protein sources, can address the request of new sustainable ingredients able to less impact on the environment and to satisfy the food global demand. To upscale the insect production and ensure food safety of insect-based products, biotechnological formulations based on Acheta domesticus powder were optimized. The use of Yarrowia lipolytica in the biotechnological transformation of cricket powder led to the achievement of a cricket-based food ingredient characterized by a reduced content of chitin and an increase of antimicrobial and health-promoting molecules. The innovative bakery products containing cricket-based hydrolysates from Y. lipolytica possessed specific sensory, qualitative and functional characteristics to the final product. Moreover, the combination of Y. lipolytica hydrolysis and baking showed promising results regarding a reduced allergenicity in cricket-based baked products. Thus, the hydrolysate of cricket powder may represent a versatile and promising ingredient in the production of innovative foods.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rossi, Samantha
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
milling by-product, valorisation; lactic acid bacteria; yeasts; functionality, Acheta domesticus, cricket based bread, Yeast cricket hydrolysate
Data di discussione
31 Marzo 2023

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