Evaluation of a 2D multileader training system for improving sustainability and precision orchard management applications in italian apple orchards

Bortolotti, Gianmarco (2022) Evaluation of a 2D multileader training system for improving sustainability and precision orchard management applications in italian apple orchards, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari, 34 Ciclo.
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The presented study aimed to evaluate the productive and physiological behavior of a 2D multileader apple training systems in the Italian environment both investigating the possibility to increase yield and precision crop load management resolution. Another objective was to find valuable thinning thresholds guaranteeing high yields and matching fruit market requirements. The thesis consists in three studies carried out in a Pink Lady®- Rosy Glow apple orchard trained as a planar multileader training system (double guyot). Fruiting leaders (uprights) dimension, crop load, fruit quality, flower and physiological (leaf gas exchanges and fruit growth rate) data were collected and analysed. The obtained results found that uprights present dependence among each other and as well as a mutual support during fruit development. However, individual upright fruit load and upright’s fruit load distribution on the tree (~ plant crop load) seems to define both upright independence from the other, and single upright crop load effects on the final fruit quality production. Correlations between fruit load and harvest fruit size were found and thanks to that valuable thinning thresholds, based on different vegetative parameters, were obtained. Moreover, it comes out that an upright’s fruit load random distribution presents a widening of those thinning thresholds, keeping un-altered fruit quality. For this reason, uprights resulted a partially physiologically-dependent plant unit. Therefore, if considered and managed as independent, then no major problems on final fruit quality and production occurred. This partly confirmed the possibility to shift crop load management to single upright. The finding of the presented studies together with the benefits coming from multileader planar training systems suggest a high potentiality of the 2D multileader training systems to increase apple production sustainability and profitability for Italian apple orchard, while easing the advent of automation in fruit production.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bortolotti, Gianmarco
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
sustainability, apple, multileader, 2D training system, upright, single leader, precision crop load management, BCA, TCA, UCA, precision orchard management, POM
Data di discussione
1 Luglio 2022

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