Biava, Nadia
Study of new particle acceleration mechanisms in galaxy clusters through low frequency radio observations, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Astrofisica, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10230.
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Diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters has been observed with different size and properties. Giant radio halos (RH), Mpc-size sources found in merging clusters, and mini halos (MH), 0.1-0.5 Mpc size sources located in relaxed cool-core clusters, are thought to be distinct classes of objects with different formation mechanisms.
However, recent observations have revealed the unexpected presence of diffuse emission on Mpc-scales in relaxed clusters that host a central MH and show no signs of major mergers. The study of these sources is still at the beginning and it is not yet clear what could be the origin of their unusual emission. The main goal of this thesis is to test the occurrence of these peculiar sources and investigate their properties using low frequency radio observations.
This thesis consists in the study of a sample of 12 cool-core galaxy clusters which present some level of dynamical disturbances on large-scale.
The heterogeneity of sources in the sample allowed me to investigate under which conditions a halo-type emission is present in MH clusters; and also to study the connection between AGN bubbles and the local environment.
Using high sensitivity LOFAR observations, I have detected large-scale emission in four non-merging clusters, in addition to the central MH. I have constrained for the first time the spectral properties of diffuse emission in these double radio component galaxy clusters, and I have investigated the connection between their thermal and non-thermal emission for a better comprehension of the acceleration mechanism.
Furthermore, I derived upper limits to the halo power for the other clusters in the sample, which could present large-scale diffuse emission under the detection threshold.
Finally, I have reconstructed the duty-cycle of one of the most powerful AGN known, located at the centre of a galaxy cluster of the sample.
Diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters has been observed with different size and properties. Giant radio halos (RH), Mpc-size sources found in merging clusters, and mini halos (MH), 0.1-0.5 Mpc size sources located in relaxed cool-core clusters, are thought to be distinct classes of objects with different formation mechanisms.
However, recent observations have revealed the unexpected presence of diffuse emission on Mpc-scales in relaxed clusters that host a central MH and show no signs of major mergers. The study of these sources is still at the beginning and it is not yet clear what could be the origin of their unusual emission. The main goal of this thesis is to test the occurrence of these peculiar sources and investigate their properties using low frequency radio observations.
This thesis consists in the study of a sample of 12 cool-core galaxy clusters which present some level of dynamical disturbances on large-scale.
The heterogeneity of sources in the sample allowed me to investigate under which conditions a halo-type emission is present in MH clusters; and also to study the connection between AGN bubbles and the local environment.
Using high sensitivity LOFAR observations, I have detected large-scale emission in four non-merging clusters, in addition to the central MH. I have constrained for the first time the spectral properties of diffuse emission in these double radio component galaxy clusters, and I have investigated the connection between their thermal and non-thermal emission for a better comprehension of the acceleration mechanism.
Furthermore, I derived upper limits to the halo power for the other clusters in the sample, which could present large-scale diffuse emission under the detection threshold.
Finally, I have reconstructed the duty-cycle of one of the most powerful AGN known, located at the centre of a galaxy cluster of the sample.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Biava, Nadia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Galaxy clusters, diffuse radio emission, AGN feedback, LOFAR
Data di discussione
30 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Biava, Nadia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Galaxy clusters, diffuse radio emission, AGN feedback, LOFAR
Data di discussione
30 Giugno 2022
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