Study and experimental characterization of the laser welding process for the manufacturing of electric powertrain components in the automotive industry

Dimatteo, Vincenzo (2022) Study and experimental characterization of the laser welding process for the manufacturing of electric powertrain components in the automotive industry, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Automotive per una mobilità intelligente, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10088.
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The PhD project that will be presented in this thesis is focused on the study and optimization of the production process for the manufacturing of electrical powertrain components in the automotive field using the laser beam welding process (LBW). The objective is to define, through experimental activities, an optimized process condition for applications in the electrical field that can be generalized, that is, which guarantees its reproducibility as the types of connections vary and which represents the basis for extending the method to future applications in e-mobility sector. The work developed along two lines of research, the convergence of which made it possible to create prototypes of battery modules based on different types of lithium-ion cells and stator windings for electric motors. On the one hand, the different welding configurations involving the production of batteries based on pouch cells and therefore the welding of aluminum and copper in dissimilar configuration were studied, while for the prismatic cells only one configuration was analyzed. On the other hand, the welding of pure copper hairpins with rectangular shape in edge joint configuration was studied for the production of stator windings. The experimental tests carried out have demonstrated the feasibility of using the LBW process for the production of electric powertrain components entirely designed and developed internally as the types of materials and welding configurations vary; the methodologies required for the characterization methods, necessary for the end-of-line tests, for the evaluation of the properties of the different joint configurations and components (battery and electric motor) were also defined with the aim of obtaining the best performance. The entire doctorate program was conducted in collaboration with Ferrari Auto S.p.A. and the direct industrial application of the issues addressed has been faced.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Dimatteo, Vincenzo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Laser Beam Welding; Electric powertrain components manufacturing; E-mobility technology
Data di discussione
30 Marzo 2022

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