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The industrial PhD project presented here is part of the R&D strategies of the Lipinutragen company. The innovation brought by the company concerns nutrilipidomics, i.e. the correlation between the lipid composition (in fatty acids) of the cell membrane and lipid-based nutraceuticals, especially starting from the well-known dependence of the lipid composition on the intake of essential fats, omega- 6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Among the results obtained from the membrane lipidomic profiles, the case of autistic subjects is here highlighted, showing the significant deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
The activity during the PhD was devoted to the nutrilipidomic approach. Part of the activities were devoted to scientific research in lipidomics: a) the study of lipidomic profiles in the frame of two collaboration projects: one with the group of Dr. I. Tueros at AZTI, Bilbao, regading obese population, and the other one regarding seed germination with the changes of the fatty acid profiles with the group of prof. A. Balestrazzi of the University of Parma; b) the liposome preparation for protection and lifetime prolongation of the peptide somatostatin, which was an important premise to the formulation of the DHA-containing microemulsion.
The activities was also focused on the development of DHA-containing nutraceutical formulations in the form of emulsion, overcoming the difficulty of the capsule ingestion, to be administered orally.
The work pointed to study the combination of active ingredients, based on the previous know-how regarding the bioavailability for the cell membrane incorporation. The ingredients of the formulation were studied and tested in vitro for the bioavailability of DHA to be incorporated in the cell membranes of different types of cultured cells.
Part of this study is covered by non-disclosure agreement since it belongs to the know-how of Lipinutragen.
The industrial PhD project presented here is part of the R&D strategies of the Lipinutragen company. The innovation brought by the company concerns nutrilipidomics, i.e. the correlation between the lipid composition (in fatty acids) of the cell membrane and lipid-based nutraceuticals, especially starting from the well-known dependence of the lipid composition on the intake of essential fats, omega- 6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Among the results obtained from the membrane lipidomic profiles, the case of autistic subjects is here highlighted, showing the significant deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
The activity during the PhD was devoted to the nutrilipidomic approach. Part of the activities were devoted to scientific research in lipidomics: a) the study of lipidomic profiles in the frame of two collaboration projects: one with the group of Dr. I. Tueros at AZTI, Bilbao, regading obese population, and the other one regarding seed germination with the changes of the fatty acid profiles with the group of prof. A. Balestrazzi of the University of Parma; b) the liposome preparation for protection and lifetime prolongation of the peptide somatostatin, which was an important premise to the formulation of the DHA-containing microemulsion.
The activities was also focused on the development of DHA-containing nutraceutical formulations in the form of emulsion, overcoming the difficulty of the capsule ingestion, to be administered orally.
The work pointed to study the combination of active ingredients, based on the previous know-how regarding the bioavailability for the cell membrane incorporation. The ingredients of the formulation were studied and tested in vitro for the bioavailability of DHA to be incorporated in the cell membranes of different types of cultured cells.
Part of this study is covered by non-disclosure agreement since it belongs to the know-how of Lipinutragen.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Larocca, Anna Vita
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Dha - lipidomics- Nutrilipidomics - Emulsions
Data di discussione
15 Ottobre 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Larocca, Anna Vita
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Dha - lipidomics- Nutrilipidomics - Emulsions
Data di discussione
15 Ottobre 2021
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