Bahu, Anton
Development of a ground testing facility and attitude control for magnetically
actuated nanosatellites, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Meccanica e scienze avanzate dell'ingegneria, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9801.
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Growing popularity of the highly capable small- and nano-satellites, driven by components
miniaturization, face new technological challenges and at the same time provides
new opportunities for the whole space sector. Low cost of nanosatellites launches make
them accessible. Reliability is an exigency: especially challenging is design and testing
of Attitude and Determination Control Systems (ADCS). Demand for nanosatellitesdedicated
attitude control algorithms and careful performance assessment of the spacecrafts
motivates the research work presented in this thesis.
In the first part of the manuscript, development and assessment of the three degreesoffreedom
ADCS testbed for nanosatellites testing is described. The facility was developed
within the Microsatellites and Space Microsystems Lab at University of Bologna, and
designed to meet strict low-cost requirements. The facility includes several integrated
subsystems to simulate the on-orbit environment: i) an air-bearing based, three degree of
freedom platform with automatic balancing system, ii) a Helmholtz , iii) a Sun simulator,
and iv) a metrology vision system . Experimental assessment of the subsystems guarantee
necessary level of performance.
Control law design for smallsats is addressed in the second part. Limited power availability
and reliability makes magnetic actuation particularly suited for ADCS design, but,
the control system faces inherent underactuation. To overcome the intrinsic limits of existing
control designs, a novel approach to the three-axis attitude control of a magnetically
actuated spacecrafts is proposed, based on hybrid systems theory. A local H-inf regulator
with guaranteed performance and a global nonlinear controller used for ensuring global
stability and robustness, are combined. Hybrid control theory is employed to develop a
mixed continuous-discrete controller able to switch between different feedbacks. Analytical
results are verified by means of realistic numerical simulations: errors on the state
comply with the computed bounds and stability is guaranteed.
Growing popularity of the highly capable small- and nano-satellites, driven by components
miniaturization, face new technological challenges and at the same time provides
new opportunities for the whole space sector. Low cost of nanosatellites launches make
them accessible. Reliability is an exigency: especially challenging is design and testing
of Attitude and Determination Control Systems (ADCS). Demand for nanosatellitesdedicated
attitude control algorithms and careful performance assessment of the spacecrafts
motivates the research work presented in this thesis.
In the first part of the manuscript, development and assessment of the three degreesoffreedom
ADCS testbed for nanosatellites testing is described. The facility was developed
within the Microsatellites and Space Microsystems Lab at University of Bologna, and
designed to meet strict low-cost requirements. The facility includes several integrated
subsystems to simulate the on-orbit environment: i) an air-bearing based, three degree of
freedom platform with automatic balancing system, ii) a Helmholtz , iii) a Sun simulator,
and iv) a metrology vision system . Experimental assessment of the subsystems guarantee
necessary level of performance.
Control law design for smallsats is addressed in the second part. Limited power availability
and reliability makes magnetic actuation particularly suited for ADCS design, but,
the control system faces inherent underactuation. To overcome the intrinsic limits of existing
control designs, a novel approach to the three-axis attitude control of a magnetically
actuated spacecrafts is proposed, based on hybrid systems theory. A local H-inf regulator
with guaranteed performance and a global nonlinear controller used for ensuring global
stability and robustness, are combined. Hybrid control theory is employed to develop a
mixed continuous-discrete controller able to switch between different feedbacks. Analytical
results are verified by means of realistic numerical simulations: errors on the state
comply with the computed bounds and stability is guaranteed.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bahu, Anton
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
attitude control, nanosatellites, testbed, CubeSats, testing facility, magnetic control, magnetorquers, HWIL
Data di discussione
28 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bahu, Anton
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
attitude control, nanosatellites, testbed, CubeSats, testing facility, magnetic control, magnetorquers, HWIL
Data di discussione
28 Maggio 2021
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