Perini, Paolo
3D bioprinting and its applications in vascular surgery: in-vitro and in-vivo tests for future 5D personalised nanomedicine, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze chirurgiche, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9572.
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Three-dimensional printing techniques demonstrated the high potentiality of interactive processes applied to medicine and surgery. The current, wide availability of different materials and bio-inks allows the precise control of chemical and physical properties of the printed objects obtained through additive manufacturing technology. In addition, 3D printing may produce far-reaching changes in surgical pre-operative management, thanks to the potential interactions with medical imaging modalities.
We developed a method based on rapid freeze prototyping (RFP) 3D printer, reconstruction cutting, nano-dry-formulation, fast-freeze gelation, disinfection and partial processes for the 3D to 5D digital models functionalization. We processed a computed tomography angiography scan of a human femoral artery bifurcation, and we reconstructed the 3D model of the vessel to obtain and verify the additive manufacturing processes. Afterwards, a biocompatible eluting-freeform coating for a drug-eluting balloon selected on the basis of the 3D-printed vessel was created under a biosafety cabinet. The alginate-printed coating contained 40nm fluorescent nanoparticles (NP), and was reconstructed by means of RFP printer, and gelled with ethanol (EtOH 98%). Feasibility and effectiveness of this 3D-printed scaffold was tested in-vivo and in-vitro.
In order to test this method in-vivo, the NP-loaded 5D device was deployed in a rat’s vena cava. The coating dissolved in a few minutes releasing NP, which were rapidly absorbed in the vessel’s wall,specifically interstitial tissue and vascular smooth muscle cells (confirmed with two-photon microscopy). NP internalisation was also confirmed in-vitro, on vascular smooth muscle cells, and on human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) line.
We developed 5D, high-resolution,self-dissolving devices containing NP, which can be applied to the personalised medicine, specifically vascular and endovascular devices (such as coatings for drug-eluting balloons or stents, or vascular graft substitutes). In fact, NP can potentially be loaded with different drugs or molecules, in order to obtain a biological activity, thus clinical applicability.
Three-dimensional printing techniques demonstrated the high potentiality of interactive processes applied to medicine and surgery. The current, wide availability of different materials and bio-inks allows the precise control of chemical and physical properties of the printed objects obtained through additive manufacturing technology. In addition, 3D printing may produce far-reaching changes in surgical pre-operative management, thanks to the potential interactions with medical imaging modalities.
We developed a method based on rapid freeze prototyping (RFP) 3D printer, reconstruction cutting, nano-dry-formulation, fast-freeze gelation, disinfection and partial processes for the 3D to 5D digital models functionalization. We processed a computed tomography angiography scan of a human femoral artery bifurcation, and we reconstructed the 3D model of the vessel to obtain and verify the additive manufacturing processes. Afterwards, a biocompatible eluting-freeform coating for a drug-eluting balloon selected on the basis of the 3D-printed vessel was created under a biosafety cabinet. The alginate-printed coating contained 40nm fluorescent nanoparticles (NP), and was reconstructed by means of RFP printer, and gelled with ethanol (EtOH 98%). Feasibility and effectiveness of this 3D-printed scaffold was tested in-vivo and in-vitro.
In order to test this method in-vivo, the NP-loaded 5D device was deployed in a rat’s vena cava. The coating dissolved in a few minutes releasing NP, which were rapidly absorbed in the vessel’s wall,specifically interstitial tissue and vascular smooth muscle cells (confirmed with two-photon microscopy). NP internalisation was also confirmed in-vitro, on vascular smooth muscle cells, and on human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) line.
We developed 5D, high-resolution,self-dissolving devices containing NP, which can be applied to the personalised medicine, specifically vascular and endovascular devices (such as coatings for drug-eluting balloons or stents, or vascular graft substitutes). In fact, NP can potentially be loaded with different drugs or molecules, in order to obtain a biological activity, thus clinical applicability.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Perini, Paolo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
3d, 5d, angioplasty, bioprinting, image processing, nanomedicine
Data di discussione
18 Marzo 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Perini, Paolo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
3d, 5d, angioplasty, bioprinting, image processing, nanomedicine
Data di discussione
18 Marzo 2021
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