Capelli, Filippo
Integrated design of atmospheric pressure non-equilibrium plasma sources for industrial and biomedical applications, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Meccanica e scienze avanzate dell'ingegneria, 32 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9446.
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In this dissertation are reported the most relevant results obtained during my three years Ph.D. project. An open-air plasma source has been developed to treat plastic and metallic films typically used in food packaging manufacturing. Among others, the DBD configuration was chosen due to its many advantages such as high intensity and uniformity of the treatment, possibility of operating in ambient air as well as ease of scale up.
Biological experiments were performed to assess the microbial reduction induced by the plasma treatment. Different operative conditions have been tested in order to identify the most efficient configuration and two distinct behaviours have been observed: low-power density treatment allowed to achieve microbial inactivation values below log 2 independently on treatment time; high-power density treatment where the microbial reduction grew with increasing treatment time.
Subsequently, the plasma discharge has been characterized by means of three investigation methods: thermal, electrical and optical absorption spectroscopy (OAS) analysis. The thermal and electrical analyses were employed to identify the best dielectric materials for food packaging manufacturing purposes. Once defined the optimal DBD configuration, OAS was used to measure the absolute concentration of ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Results showed that at low-power density the chemistry is governed by ozone; while at high-power density ozone is consumed by the poisoning effect and only nitrogen dioxide is detectable.
Lastly, a numerical simulation has been used to deeper investigate the chemistry governing the plasma discharge; by means of PLASIMO a global model and a fluid model were implemented.
In this dissertation are reported the most relevant results obtained during my three years Ph.D. project. An open-air plasma source has been developed to treat plastic and metallic films typically used in food packaging manufacturing. Among others, the DBD configuration was chosen due to its many advantages such as high intensity and uniformity of the treatment, possibility of operating in ambient air as well as ease of scale up.
Biological experiments were performed to assess the microbial reduction induced by the plasma treatment. Different operative conditions have been tested in order to identify the most efficient configuration and two distinct behaviours have been observed: low-power density treatment allowed to achieve microbial inactivation values below log 2 independently on treatment time; high-power density treatment where the microbial reduction grew with increasing treatment time.
Subsequently, the plasma discharge has been characterized by means of three investigation methods: thermal, electrical and optical absorption spectroscopy (OAS) analysis. The thermal and electrical analyses were employed to identify the best dielectric materials for food packaging manufacturing purposes. Once defined the optimal DBD configuration, OAS was used to measure the absolute concentration of ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Results showed that at low-power density the chemistry is governed by ozone; while at high-power density ozone is consumed by the poisoning effect and only nitrogen dioxide is detectable.
Lastly, a numerical simulation has been used to deeper investigate the chemistry governing the plasma discharge; by means of PLASIMO a global model and a fluid model were implemented.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Capelli, Filippo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
plasma, DBD, bacterial decontamination, modeling
Data di discussione
2 Aprile 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Capelli, Filippo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
plasma, DBD, bacterial decontamination, modeling
Data di discussione
2 Aprile 2020
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