Zampieri, Davide
Left orthotopic lung transplant in rats: the learning process., [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze cardio nefro toraciche, 32 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/9163.
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INTRODUCTION: The orthotopic left lung transplantation model in rats has been developed to answer a variety of scientific questions in transplant immunology and in the related fields of respiratory diseases. However, its widespread use has been hampered by the complexity of the procedure.
AIM OF THE RESEARCH: Our purpose is to provide a detailed description of the procedure of this technique, including the complications and difficulties from the very first microsurgical step until the ultimate successful completion of the transplant procedure.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The transplant procedures were performed by two collaborating transplant surgeons with microsurgical and thoracic surgery skills. A total of 150 left lung transplants in rats were performed. Twenty-seven syngeneic (Lewis to Lewis) and 123 allogeneic (Brown-Norway to Lewis) lung transplants were performed using the cuff technique.
RESULTS: In first 50 transplant procedures, post-transplant survival rate was 74% of which 54% reached the end-point of 3 or 7 days post-transplant; whole complication rate was 66%. In the subsequent 50 transplant surgeries (from 51 to 100) post-transplant survival rate increased to 88% of which 56% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was 32 %. In the final 50 transplants (from 101 to 150) post-transplant survival rate was confirmed to be 88% of which 74% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was again 32 %.
CONCLUSIONS: One hundred-fifty transplants can represent a reasonable number of procedures to obtain a satisfactory surgical outcome. Training period with simpler animal models is mandatory to develop anesthesiological and microsurgical skills required for successfully develop this model. The collaboration between at least two microsurgeons is mandatory to perform all the simultaneous procedures required for completing the transplant surgery.
INTRODUCTION: The orthotopic left lung transplantation model in rats has been developed to answer a variety of scientific questions in transplant immunology and in the related fields of respiratory diseases. However, its widespread use has been hampered by the complexity of the procedure.
AIM OF THE RESEARCH: Our purpose is to provide a detailed description of the procedure of this technique, including the complications and difficulties from the very first microsurgical step until the ultimate successful completion of the transplant procedure.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The transplant procedures were performed by two collaborating transplant surgeons with microsurgical and thoracic surgery skills. A total of 150 left lung transplants in rats were performed. Twenty-seven syngeneic (Lewis to Lewis) and 123 allogeneic (Brown-Norway to Lewis) lung transplants were performed using the cuff technique.
RESULTS: In first 50 transplant procedures, post-transplant survival rate was 74% of which 54% reached the end-point of 3 or 7 days post-transplant; whole complication rate was 66%. In the subsequent 50 transplant surgeries (from 51 to 100) post-transplant survival rate increased to 88% of which 56% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was 32 %. In the final 50 transplants (from 101 to 150) post-transplant survival rate was confirmed to be 88% of which 74% reached the end-point; whole complication rate was again 32 %.
CONCLUSIONS: One hundred-fifty transplants can represent a reasonable number of procedures to obtain a satisfactory surgical outcome. Training period with simpler animal models is mandatory to develop anesthesiological and microsurgical skills required for successfully develop this model. The collaboration between at least two microsurgeons is mandatory to perform all the simultaneous procedures required for completing the transplant surgery.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Zampieri, Davide
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
lung transplant, animal models, rat
Data di discussione
20 Marzo 2020
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Zampieri, Davide
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
lung transplant, animal models, rat
Data di discussione
20 Marzo 2020
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