Viola, Angelo
Alchilidene malonati e acetoacetati come intermedi per la preparazione di molecole bioattive, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Chimica, 26 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/6344.
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In this thesis we investigated the versatility and the potential applications of different kinds of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides. Our research group devoted great attention to this kind of compounds since alkylidenes can be considered important intermediates in the synthesis of several scaffolds, to be inserted into molecules of potential biological and pharmaceutical interest. The increasing use of alkylidenes is due to their ability to react as unsaturated electrophiles and to the possibility to exploit them as intermediates for the introduction of different kind of functionalities.The preparation of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides is presented in chapter 1.
This section deals with different preparation methods of alkylidenes that we developed during the last few years and to the technologies involved for each synthetic protocol. The reactivity that allowed to use the alkylidenes as intermediates in the synthesis of scaffolds for biologically active compounds is shown in chapter 2. In particular, we will discuss the most important reactions used to obtain the desired molecules, and we will focus on the most interesting aspects of these latter ones.
Finally, chapter 3 will illustrate the potential applications and the related syntheses of potential bioactive compounds. The synthesized molecules find application in several fields and for this reason we considered each class of compounds in its related branch of interest.
In this thesis we investigated the versatility and the potential applications of different kinds of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides. Our research group devoted great attention to this kind of compounds since alkylidenes can be considered important intermediates in the synthesis of several scaffolds, to be inserted into molecules of potential biological and pharmaceutical interest. The increasing use of alkylidenes is due to their ability to react as unsaturated electrophiles and to the possibility to exploit them as intermediates for the introduction of different kind of functionalities.The preparation of alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides and acetoacetoamides is presented in chapter 1.
This section deals with different preparation methods of alkylidenes that we developed during the last few years and to the technologies involved for each synthetic protocol. The reactivity that allowed to use the alkylidenes as intermediates in the synthesis of scaffolds for biologically active compounds is shown in chapter 2. In particular, we will discuss the most important reactions used to obtain the desired molecules, and we will focus on the most interesting aspects of these latter ones.
Finally, chapter 3 will illustrate the potential applications and the related syntheses of potential bioactive compounds. The synthesized molecules find application in several fields and for this reason we considered each class of compounds in its related branch of interest.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Viola, Angelo
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze chimiche
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides, integrin, peptidomimetics, drug delivery system.
Data di discussione
15 Aprile 2014
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Viola, Angelo
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze chimiche
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
alkylidene malonates, acetoacetates, malonamides, integrin, peptidomimetics, drug delivery system.
Data di discussione
15 Aprile 2014
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