Urban air mobility: modelling the future transport system

Ditta, Chiara Caterina (2024) Urban air mobility: modelling the future transport system, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria civile, chimica, ambientale e dei materiali, 36 Ciclo.
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The advances in the aviation field, particularly the development of electric flying vehicles, as UAV and eVTOL, paved the way for setting Urban Air Mobility (UAM) services. UAM would provide services for passengers, goods and emergencies and could offer faster trips than ground ones. It is expected that early UAM operations will be performed at Very Low-Level airspace as 0-500 m Above Ground Level. The purpose of this research is to both explore the main features of UAM and test an aerial network model, which could be integrated in a multimodal transport system where ground and aerial mobility services are provided. Analyses on UAM transport system involved two sub-systems: the transport demand sub-system, i.e., the mobility requirements, and the transport supply sub-system, i.e., the service and facilities enabling mobility. At first, the UAM demand levels and features for an Airport Shuttle service have been explored through a suitable survey, by combining Revealed and Stated Preference methodologies, and by calibrating some discrete mode choice models. Then, the focus has been on the transport supply model for UAM services, by focusing on both the ground access points (vertiports) and the aerial network model. A suitable three-dimensional urban aerial network (3D-UAN) model that could support fast aerial connections between O/D pairs has been proposed. Some tests have been implemented to verify the feasibility of the proposed model. Some flying vehicles supporting an Airport Shuttle service have been simulated on the aerial network, which has been specified in terms of both topological features and link transport costs. The preliminary results have showed that the proposed 3D-UAN model could be suitable for supporting UAM services. As for transport engineering, the UAM system framework proposed in this thesis paves the way for further research on air-ground multimodality in urban areas.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Ditta, Chiara Caterina
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Urban Air Mobility, eVTOLs, Vertiports, Vertiport Layout, Vertiport Capacity, 3D Urban Aerial Network, Dynamic Links, Vertical links, Flying Vehicles, Airport shuttle, Stated Preference, Discrete choice models, Transportation system.
Data di discussione
15 Marzo 2024

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