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This thesis analyzes an analysis of the risk perception of Italian paediatricians and parents regarding the impact of climate change on pediatric health.
The consequences of climate change are now before our eyes; the recent pandemic has highlighted the impact that the destruction of ecosystems and global warming can have on our health.
Fragile subjects will pay the most for the consequences of this crisis: children, the elderly, pregnant women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 88% of the disease burden linked to climate change falls on children under the age of 5. Climate change poses a challenge of equity not only between different areas of the world but also between generations: the worst consequences will weigh on those who have not caused damage to the ecosystem.
This study began by studying the risk perceptions of the two main caregivers who deal with the child's health: parents and paediatricians.
The study analyzed a mixed methods approach, exploiting quantitative and qualitative approaches. Two surveys were carried out in collaboration with the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) and AGE, the Italian Parents' Association, using a tool already consolidated in the literature and adapted according to the needs of the thesis.
Sixty semi-structured interviews were then conducted with pediatricians of different age groups and different regions of Italy.
The collected data were then compared with the literature on the subject, in order to understand differences and similarities.
This work is part of a still rather scarce, but growing, field of literature and represents the first study of this type in Italy.
This thesis analyzes an analysis of the risk perception of Italian paediatricians and parents regarding the impact of climate change on pediatric health.
The consequences of climate change are now before our eyes; the recent pandemic has highlighted the impact that the destruction of ecosystems and global warming can have on our health.
Fragile subjects will pay the most for the consequences of this crisis: children, the elderly, pregnant women. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 88% of the disease burden linked to climate change falls on children under the age of 5. Climate change poses a challenge of equity not only between different areas of the world but also between generations: the worst consequences will weigh on those who have not caused damage to the ecosystem.
This study began by studying the risk perceptions of the two main caregivers who deal with the child's health: parents and paediatricians.
The study analyzed a mixed methods approach, exploiting quantitative and qualitative approaches. Two surveys were carried out in collaboration with the Italian Society of Pediatrics (SIP) and AGE, the Italian Parents' Association, using a tool already consolidated in the literature and adapted according to the needs of the thesis.
Sixty semi-structured interviews were then conducted with pediatricians of different age groups and different regions of Italy.
The collected data were then compared with the literature on the subject, in order to understand differences and similarities.
This work is part of a still rather scarce, but growing, field of literature and represents the first study of this type in Italy.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Moraca, Sara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
public health, climate change, pediatric health
Data di discussione
19 Giugno 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Moraca, Sara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
public health, climate change, pediatric health
Data di discussione
19 Giugno 2023
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