Morrone, Daniele
Plutarch's chemistry of stones and metals: conceptions and explanations. With an appendix on the TheSu XML annotation scheme, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Philosophy, science, cognition, and semiotics (pscs), 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10376.
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This dissertation presents a systematic and analytic overview of most of the information related to
stones, minerals, and stone masonry which is found in the corpus of Plutarch of Chaeronea, combined
with most of the information on metals and metalworking which is connected to the former. This
survey is intended as a first step in the reconstruction of the full landscape of ‘chemical’ ideas
occurring in Plutarch’s writings; accordingly, the exposition of the relevant passages, the assessment
of their possible interpretations, the discussion on their implications, and their contextualization in the
ancient traditions have been conducted with a special interest in the ‘mineralogical’ and ‘metallurgic’
themes developed in the frame of natural philosophy and meteorology. Although in this perspective
physical etiology could have come to acquire central prominence, non-etiological information on
Plutarch’s ideas on the nature and behaviour of stones and metals has been treated as equally relevant
to reach a fuller understanding of how Plutarch conceptualized and visualized them in general, in- and
outside the frame of philosophical explanation. Such extensive outline of Plutarch’s ideas on stones
and metals is a prerequisite for an accurate inquiry into his use of the two in analogies, metaphors, and
symbols: to predispose this kind of research was another aim of the present survey, and this aim has
contributed to shape it; moreover, a special attention has been paid to the analysis of analogical and
figurative speaking due to the nature itself of a large part of Plutarch’s references to stones and metals,
which are either metaphorical, presented in close association with metaphors, or framed in analogies.
Much of the information used for the present overview has been extracted —always with supporting
argumentation— from the implications of such metaphors and analogies.
This dissertation presents a systematic and analytic overview of most of the information related to
stones, minerals, and stone masonry which is found in the corpus of Plutarch of Chaeronea, combined
with most of the information on metals and metalworking which is connected to the former. This
survey is intended as a first step in the reconstruction of the full landscape of ‘chemical’ ideas
occurring in Plutarch’s writings; accordingly, the exposition of the relevant passages, the assessment
of their possible interpretations, the discussion on their implications, and their contextualization in the
ancient traditions have been conducted with a special interest in the ‘mineralogical’ and ‘metallurgic’
themes developed in the frame of natural philosophy and meteorology. Although in this perspective
physical etiology could have come to acquire central prominence, non-etiological information on
Plutarch’s ideas on the nature and behaviour of stones and metals has been treated as equally relevant
to reach a fuller understanding of how Plutarch conceptualized and visualized them in general, in- and
outside the frame of philosophical explanation. Such extensive outline of Plutarch’s ideas on stones
and metals is a prerequisite for an accurate inquiry into his use of the two in analogies, metaphors, and
symbols: to predispose this kind of research was another aim of the present survey, and this aim has
contributed to shape it; moreover, a special attention has been paid to the analysis of analogical and
figurative speaking due to the nature itself of a large part of Plutarch’s references to stones and metals,
which are either metaphorical, presented in close association with metaphors, or framed in analogies.
Much of the information used for the present overview has been extracted —always with supporting
argumentation— from the implications of such metaphors and analogies.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Morrone, Daniele
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Plutarch, natural philosophy, chemistry, meteorology, minerals, metals, analogies, argumentation mapping, digital humanities
Data di discussione
27 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Morrone, Daniele
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Plutarch, natural philosophy, chemistry, meteorology, minerals, metals, analogies, argumentation mapping, digital humanities
Data di discussione
27 Giugno 2022
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