Sartor, Chiara
Research of predictive biomarkers to anti-CD22 antibody-drug conjugate treatment in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Oncologia, ematologia e patologia, 34 Ciclo.
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Background: The treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) has been enriched by novel agents targeting surface markers CD19 and CD22. Inotuzumab ozogamicin (INO) is a CD22-calicheamicin conjugated monoclonal antibody approved in the setting of relapse/refractory (R/R) B-ALL able to induce a high rate of deep responses, not durable over time.
Aims: This study aims to identify predictive biomarkers to INO treatment in B- ALL by flow cytometric analysis of CD22 expression and gene expression profile.
Materials and methods: Firstly, the impact on patient outcome in 30 R/R B-ALL patients of baseline CD22 expression in terms of CD22 blast percentage and CD22 fluorescent intensity (CD22-FI) was explored. Secondly, baseline gene expression profile of 18 R/R B-ALL patient samples was analyzed. For statistical analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) patients were divided in non-responders (NR), defined as either INO-refractory or with duration of response (DoR) < 3 months, and responders (R). Gene expression results were analyzed with Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA).
Results: In our patient set higher CD22-FI, defined as higher quartiles (Q2-Q4), correlated with better patient outcome in terms of CR rate, OS and DoR, compared to lower CD22-FI (Q1). CD22 blast percentage was less able to discriminate patients’ outcome, although a trend for better outcome in patients with CD22 ≥ 90% could be appreciated. Concerning gene expression profile, 32 genes with corrected p value <0.05 and absolute FC ≥2 were differentially expressed in NR as compared to R. IPA upstream regulator and regulator effect analysis individuated the inhibition of tumor suppressor HIPK2 as causal upstream condition of the downregulation of 6 DEGs.
Conclusions: CD22-FI integrates CD22-percentage on leukemic blasts for a more comprehensive target pre-treatment evaluation. Moreover, a unique pattern of gene expression signature based on HIPK2 downregulation was identified, providing important insights in mechanisms of resistance to INO.
Background: The treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) has been enriched by novel agents targeting surface markers CD19 and CD22. Inotuzumab ozogamicin (INO) is a CD22-calicheamicin conjugated monoclonal antibody approved in the setting of relapse/refractory (R/R) B-ALL able to induce a high rate of deep responses, not durable over time.
Aims: This study aims to identify predictive biomarkers to INO treatment in B- ALL by flow cytometric analysis of CD22 expression and gene expression profile.
Materials and methods: Firstly, the impact on patient outcome in 30 R/R B-ALL patients of baseline CD22 expression in terms of CD22 blast percentage and CD22 fluorescent intensity (CD22-FI) was explored. Secondly, baseline gene expression profile of 18 R/R B-ALL patient samples was analyzed. For statistical analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) patients were divided in non-responders (NR), defined as either INO-refractory or with duration of response (DoR) < 3 months, and responders (R). Gene expression results were analyzed with Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA).
Results: In our patient set higher CD22-FI, defined as higher quartiles (Q2-Q4), correlated with better patient outcome in terms of CR rate, OS and DoR, compared to lower CD22-FI (Q1). CD22 blast percentage was less able to discriminate patients’ outcome, although a trend for better outcome in patients with CD22 ≥ 90% could be appreciated. Concerning gene expression profile, 32 genes with corrected p value <0.05 and absolute FC ≥2 were differentially expressed in NR as compared to R. IPA upstream regulator and regulator effect analysis individuated the inhibition of tumor suppressor HIPK2 as causal upstream condition of the downregulation of 6 DEGs.
Conclusions: CD22-FI integrates CD22-percentage on leukemic blasts for a more comprehensive target pre-treatment evaluation. Moreover, a unique pattern of gene expression signature based on HIPK2 downregulation was identified, providing important insights in mechanisms of resistance to INO.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Sartor, Chiara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, target therapy, CD22, Inotuzumab Ozogamicin, gene expression, HIPK2
Data di discussione
21 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Sartor, Chiara
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, target therapy, CD22, Inotuzumab Ozogamicin, gene expression, HIPK2
Data di discussione
21 Giugno 2022
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