Impiombato, Andrea Natale
Geometric optimization of complex thermal-fluid dynamic system by means of constructal design, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Meccanica e scienze avanzate dell'ingegneria, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10056.
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In this work the Constructal Theory is exposed in its generality, trying to approach it through examples mostly of a physical-engineering nature. Constructal Theory proposes to see living bodies as elements subject to constraints, which are built with a goal, an objective, which is to obtain maximum efficiency. Constructal Theory is characterized by Constructal Law, which states that if a system has the freedom to morph it develops over time a flow architecture that provides easier access to the currents that pass through it. The Constructal Law is as general as the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, but it has a very different purpose which makes it unique and complementary to those laws. While the First Law points to the conservation of energy, both the Constructal Law and the Second Law point to change, that is, to a direction in time. Contrary to the Second Law, the Constructal Law applies to systems that are out of balance, that is, to systems that evolve over time. While the second law deals with state variables, the Constructal Law combines flows and design. The thesis continues with the application of the Constructal Theory for a cardiac bypass shape optimization. Through the Constructal Theory the constraints under which the system is free to morph are defined and, through the classical engineering optimization processes (numerical simulations and optimization algorithms) the optimum conditions are defined, i.e., those conditions that guarantee the minimum resistance to the passage of the fluid. The characterization of the blood flow was an important step in the study of this system, as the heartbeat induces a pulsed regime inside the veins. Therefore, the simulations conducted in transient regime consider the deformed velocity profile according to the conditions dictated by the pressure gradient established by the heartbeat.
In this work the Constructal Theory is exposed in its generality, trying to approach it through examples mostly of a physical-engineering nature. Constructal Theory proposes to see living bodies as elements subject to constraints, which are built with a goal, an objective, which is to obtain maximum efficiency. Constructal Theory is characterized by Constructal Law, which states that if a system has the freedom to morph it develops over time a flow architecture that provides easier access to the currents that pass through it. The Constructal Law is as general as the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, but it has a very different purpose which makes it unique and complementary to those laws. While the First Law points to the conservation of energy, both the Constructal Law and the Second Law point to change, that is, to a direction in time. Contrary to the Second Law, the Constructal Law applies to systems that are out of balance, that is, to systems that evolve over time. While the second law deals with state variables, the Constructal Law combines flows and design. The thesis continues with the application of the Constructal Theory for a cardiac bypass shape optimization. Through the Constructal Theory the constraints under which the system is free to morph are defined and, through the classical engineering optimization processes (numerical simulations and optimization algorithms) the optimum conditions are defined, i.e., those conditions that guarantee the minimum resistance to the passage of the fluid. The characterization of the blood flow was an important step in the study of this system, as the heartbeat induces a pulsed regime inside the veins. Therefore, the simulations conducted in transient regime consider the deformed velocity profile according to the conditions dictated by the pressure gradient established by the heartbeat.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Impiombato, Andrea Natale
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Constructal theory, Constructal design, bypass, CFD, Womersley profile, Pulsatile blood flow
Data di discussione
11 Aprile 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Impiombato, Andrea Natale
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Constructal theory, Constructal design, bypass, CFD, Womersley profile, Pulsatile blood flow
Data di discussione
11 Aprile 2022
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