Bertolini, Ilaria
A methodological approach for the performance optimization of transient seepage models through inverse analysis, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Ingegneria civile, chimica, ambientale e dei materiali, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9823.
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The topic of the Ph.D project focuses on the modelling of the soil-water dynamics inside an instrumented embankment section along Secchia River (Cavezzo (MO)) in the period from 2017 to 2018 and the quantification of the performance of the direct and indirect simulations .
The commercial code Hydrus2D by Pc-Progress has been chosen to run the direct simulations. Different soil-hydraulic models have been adopted and compared.
The parameters of the different hydraulic models are calibrated using a local optimization method based on the Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm implemented in the Hydrus package.
The calibration program is carried out using different types of dataset of observation points, different weighting distributions, different combinations of optimized parameters and different initial sets of parameters. The final goal is an in-depth study of the potentialities and limits of the inverse analysis when applied to a complex geotechnical problem as the case study.
The second part of the research focuses on the effects of plant roots and soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction on the spatial and temporal distribution of pore water pressure in soil. The investigated soil belongs to the West Charlestown Bypass embankment, Newcastle, Australia, that showed in the past years shallow instabilities and the use of long stem planting is intended to stabilize the slope. The chosen plant species is the Malaleuca Styphelioides, native of eastern Australia.
The research activity included the design and realization of a specific large scale apparatus for laboratory experiments. Local suction measurements at certain intervals of depth and radial distances from the root bulb are recorded within the vegetated soil mass under controlled boundary conditions. The experiments are then reproduced numerically using the commercial code Hydrus 2D. Laboratory data are used to calibrate the RWU parameters and the parameters of the hydraulic model.
The topic of the Ph.D project focuses on the modelling of the soil-water dynamics inside an instrumented embankment section along Secchia River (Cavezzo (MO)) in the period from 2017 to 2018 and the quantification of the performance of the direct and indirect simulations .
The commercial code Hydrus2D by Pc-Progress has been chosen to run the direct simulations. Different soil-hydraulic models have been adopted and compared.
The parameters of the different hydraulic models are calibrated using a local optimization method based on the Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm implemented in the Hydrus package.
The calibration program is carried out using different types of dataset of observation points, different weighting distributions, different combinations of optimized parameters and different initial sets of parameters. The final goal is an in-depth study of the potentialities and limits of the inverse analysis when applied to a complex geotechnical problem as the case study.
The second part of the research focuses on the effects of plant roots and soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction on the spatial and temporal distribution of pore water pressure in soil. The investigated soil belongs to the West Charlestown Bypass embankment, Newcastle, Australia, that showed in the past years shallow instabilities and the use of long stem planting is intended to stabilize the slope. The chosen plant species is the Malaleuca Styphelioides, native of eastern Australia.
The research activity included the design and realization of a specific large scale apparatus for laboratory experiments. Local suction measurements at certain intervals of depth and radial distances from the root bulb are recorded within the vegetated soil mass under controlled boundary conditions. The experiments are then reproduced numerically using the commercial code Hydrus 2D. Laboratory data are used to calibrate the RWU parameters and the parameters of the hydraulic model.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bertolini, Ilaria
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
inverse analysis, parameters optimization, indirect simulations, parameters calibration, evapo-transpiration contribution, roots influence
Data di discussione
21 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bertolini, Ilaria
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
inverse analysis, parameters optimization, indirect simulations, parameters calibration, evapo-transpiration contribution, roots influence
Data di discussione
21 Maggio 2021
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