Canton, Martina
Using light to study and operate supramolecular systems and motors, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Chimica, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9802.
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In Chapter 1 an introduction and significant examples from literature concerning the topics described in the following chapters are included. Successively, examples of molecular cages and containers are illustrated and the possible advantages of reactivity under confinement are described. Finally, the topic of molecular machines is discussed. In Chapter 2 a light-activated molecular pump is illustrated. In the first part of the chapter the description of the properties and the operation of this motor is reported. Secondly, different optimization approaches are introduced, among them the substitution of the pseudostopper unit have been investigated.In Chapter 3 a novel rotaxane (15) is described. Interestingly, this assembly presents both a point chiral element, due to the presence of an oxazoline moiety, and a mechanical one, intrinsic effect of the mechanical bond. Interestingly, this assembly presents both a point chiral element, due to the presence of an oxazoline moiety, and a mechanical one, intrinsic effect of the mechanical bond. Furthermore, the aim of this project is to exploit this structure as a switchable and possibly asymmetric catalyst, by using a pH-driven and a coordination-driven approach.In Chapter 4 the encapsulation of the photochromic DHP unit within a coordination molecular cage is reported. Initially, the formation and characterization of the complex are reported. The data showed a significant difference in the fatigue experienced by the encapsulated guest with the respect to the free DHP dissolved in organic solvents. Therefore, the improving contribution of the encapsulation was successfully proven.
In Chapter 1 an introduction and significant examples from literature concerning the topics described in the following chapters are included. Successively, examples of molecular cages and containers are illustrated and the possible advantages of reactivity under confinement are described. Finally, the topic of molecular machines is discussed. In Chapter 2 a light-activated molecular pump is illustrated. In the first part of the chapter the description of the properties and the operation of this motor is reported. Secondly, different optimization approaches are introduced, among them the substitution of the pseudostopper unit have been investigated.In Chapter 3 a novel rotaxane (15) is described. Interestingly, this assembly presents both a point chiral element, due to the presence of an oxazoline moiety, and a mechanical one, intrinsic effect of the mechanical bond. Interestingly, this assembly presents both a point chiral element, due to the presence of an oxazoline moiety, and a mechanical one, intrinsic effect of the mechanical bond. Furthermore, the aim of this project is to exploit this structure as a switchable and possibly asymmetric catalyst, by using a pH-driven and a coordination-driven approach.In Chapter 4 the encapsulation of the photochromic DHP unit within a coordination molecular cage is reported. Initially, the formation and characterization of the complex are reported. The data showed a significant difference in the fatigue experienced by the encapsulated guest with the respect to the free DHP dissolved in organic solvents. Therefore, the improving contribution of the encapsulation was successfully proven.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Canton, Martina
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
molecular machines azobenzene light cages photoswitches DHP
Data di discussione
7 Giugno 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Canton, Martina
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
molecular machines azobenzene light cages photoswitches DHP
Data di discussione
7 Giugno 2021
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