Gao, Sheng
Advanced Luminescent Materials for Technological Applications, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Chimica, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9752.
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This thesis focusses on the study of several luminescent materials and investigates some related technological applications. It is made of six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces a brief history, basic principles and applications of photoluminescence. Chapter 2 presents the photophysical properties of five benzoheterodiazole dyes. These molecules were incorporated in PMMA- and PDMS-based LSC-PV devices to determine the emission quantum yields, transmission, re-absorption and IPCE properties. DFT calculations were performed to investigate the structures and energy levels of these dyes. Chapter 3 concerns the preparation of a luminescent film to calibrate an ESA satellite that will monitor the fluorescence of terrestrial vegetation. ZnPc was selected as suitable dye to make the film. Ferrocene was selected as quencher to control the emission intensity. An industrial printing technology was used to produce large-area calibration sheets coated with green pigment that simulates the NIR reflectance of green plants in which the ZnPc is embedded. Photophysical properties of a series of alkynyl gold NHC complexes containing naphthalimide chromophore were studied in Chapter 4. All the compounds were studied in solution and solid state. Further investigations were carried out by incorporating these compounds in PMMA matrix to make films. XRD and DFT calculations were made to determine the structures and energy levels of the complexes. In chapter 5 we studied the photophysical properties of star-shaped molecular systems which can operate as molecular motors when attached onto surface, along with those of their related ligands/moieties in tetrahydrofuran solution. The photophysical properties of these molecular systems can show if they are suitable to operate as light-triggered molecular machines. Finally, chapter 6 concerns the photoluminescence behavior of three NHC half-sandwich Ir/Rh metal complexes. The photophysical properties of these compounds were examined in CH2Cl2 solutions and PMMA films. These complexes may prove potential candidates for organic phosphorescent materials.
This thesis focusses on the study of several luminescent materials and investigates some related technological applications. It is made of six chapters. Chapter 1 introduces a brief history, basic principles and applications of photoluminescence. Chapter 2 presents the photophysical properties of five benzoheterodiazole dyes. These molecules were incorporated in PMMA- and PDMS-based LSC-PV devices to determine the emission quantum yields, transmission, re-absorption and IPCE properties. DFT calculations were performed to investigate the structures and energy levels of these dyes. Chapter 3 concerns the preparation of a luminescent film to calibrate an ESA satellite that will monitor the fluorescence of terrestrial vegetation. ZnPc was selected as suitable dye to make the film. Ferrocene was selected as quencher to control the emission intensity. An industrial printing technology was used to produce large-area calibration sheets coated with green pigment that simulates the NIR reflectance of green plants in which the ZnPc is embedded. Photophysical properties of a series of alkynyl gold NHC complexes containing naphthalimide chromophore were studied in Chapter 4. All the compounds were studied in solution and solid state. Further investigations were carried out by incorporating these compounds in PMMA matrix to make films. XRD and DFT calculations were made to determine the structures and energy levels of the complexes. In chapter 5 we studied the photophysical properties of star-shaped molecular systems which can operate as molecular motors when attached onto surface, along with those of their related ligands/moieties in tetrahydrofuran solution. The photophysical properties of these molecular systems can show if they are suitable to operate as light-triggered molecular machines. Finally, chapter 6 concerns the photoluminescence behavior of three NHC half-sandwich Ir/Rh metal complexes. The photophysical properties of these compounds were examined in CH2Cl2 solutions and PMMA films. These complexes may prove potential candidates for organic phosphorescent materials.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Gao, Sheng
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Photoluminescence, LSC, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence
Data di discussione
20 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Gao, Sheng
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Photoluminescence, LSC, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence
Data di discussione
20 Maggio 2021
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