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The IoT is in a continuous evolution thanks to new technologies that open
the doors to various applications. While the structure of the IoT network remains the same
over the years, specifically composed of a server, gateways, and nodes, their tasks change
according to new challenges: the use of multimedia information and the large amount of data
created by millions of devices forces the system to move from the cloud-centric approach to the thing-centric approach, where
nodes partially process the information. Computing at the sensor node level solves
well-known problems like scalability and privacy concerns. However, this study’s primary
focus is on the impact that bringing the computation at the edge has on energy:
continuous transmission of multimedia data drains the battery, and processing information
on the node reduces the amount of data transferred to event-based alerts. Nevertheless, most
of the foundational services for IoT applications are provided by AI. Due
to this class of algorithms’ complexity, they are always delegated to GPUs or devices with
an energy budget that is orders of magnitude more than an IoT node, which should
be energy-neutral and powered only by energy harvesters. Enabling AI on IoT nodes
is a challenging task. From the software side,
this work explores the most recent compression techniques for NN,
enabling the reduction of state-of-the-art networks to make them fit in microcontroller systems. From the hardware side, this thesis focuses on hardware selection. It compares the AI algorithms’ efficiency running on both well-established microcontrollers and state-of-the-art processors. An additional contribution towards energy-efficient AI is the exploration of hardware for acquisition and pre-processing of sound data, analyzing the data’s quality for further classification. Moreover, the combination of software and
hardware co-design is the key point of this thesis to bring AI to the very edge of the IoT network.
The IoT is in a continuous evolution thanks to new technologies that open
the doors to various applications. While the structure of the IoT network remains the same
over the years, specifically composed of a server, gateways, and nodes, their tasks change
according to new challenges: the use of multimedia information and the large amount of data
created by millions of devices forces the system to move from the cloud-centric approach to the thing-centric approach, where
nodes partially process the information. Computing at the sensor node level solves
well-known problems like scalability and privacy concerns. However, this study’s primary
focus is on the impact that bringing the computation at the edge has on energy:
continuous transmission of multimedia data drains the battery, and processing information
on the node reduces the amount of data transferred to event-based alerts. Nevertheless, most
of the foundational services for IoT applications are provided by AI. Due
to this class of algorithms’ complexity, they are always delegated to GPUs or devices with
an energy budget that is orders of magnitude more than an IoT node, which should
be energy-neutral and powered only by energy harvesters. Enabling AI on IoT nodes
is a challenging task. From the software side,
this work explores the most recent compression techniques for NN,
enabling the reduction of state-of-the-art networks to make them fit in microcontroller systems. From the hardware side, this thesis focuses on hardware selection. It compares the AI algorithms’ efficiency running on both well-established microcontrollers and state-of-the-art processors. An additional contribution towards energy-efficient AI is the exploration of hardware for acquisition and pre-processing of sound data, analyzing the data’s quality for further classification. Moreover, the combination of software and
hardware co-design is the key point of this thesis to bring AI to the very edge of the IoT network.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Cerutti, Gianmarco
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, In-sensor Processing, Near Sensor Computing, Thermopile array, Sound event detection, Knowledge distillation
Data di discussione
13 Aprile 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Cerutti, Gianmarco
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, In-sensor Processing, Near Sensor Computing, Thermopile array, Sound event detection, Knowledge distillation
Data di discussione
13 Aprile 2021
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