Fratelli, Ilaria
Novel Semiconducting Materials and Thin Film Technologies for High Energy Radiation Detection, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Fisica, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9560.
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Nowadays the development of real-time ionizing radiation detection system operating over large areas is crucial. Increasing quest for flexible, portable, low cost and low power consumption sensors pushed the scientific community to look for alternative materials and technologies able to fulfill these new requirements. In this thesis the potentiality of organic semiconductors and metal oxides as material platforms for novel ionizing radiation sensors is demonstrated. In particular, organic semiconductors are human tissue-equivalent and this represents a unique and desirable property for the development of dosimeters to be employed in the medical field. The ionizing radiation sensors described in this thesis have been designed, fabricated and characterized during my PhD research and are realized onto polymeric foils leading to flexible devices operating at low voltages, in ambient condition and able to directly detect X-rays, gamma-rays and protons. Following the study of the properties and of the mechanisms of interaction between the radiation and the active layers of the sensors, several strategies have been adopted to enhance the efficiency of these detectors. X-rays dosimeters based on organic semiconductors have been realized presenting record sensitivity values compared with the state of the art for large area radiation detection. The unprecedentedly reported performance led to the possibility to testing these devices in actual medical environments. Moreover, the proof-of-principle demonstration of a dosimetric detection of proton beams by organic-based sensors is reported. Finally, a new sensing platform based on metal oxides is introduced. Combining the advantages of amorphous high mobility oxide semiconductors with a multilayer dielectric, novel devices have been designed, capable of providing a sensitivity one order of magnitude higher than the one shown by the standard RADFETs. Thanks to their unique properties, these sensors have been integrated with a wireless readout system based on a commercial RFID tag and its assessment is presented.
Nowadays the development of real-time ionizing radiation detection system operating over large areas is crucial. Increasing quest for flexible, portable, low cost and low power consumption sensors pushed the scientific community to look for alternative materials and technologies able to fulfill these new requirements. In this thesis the potentiality of organic semiconductors and metal oxides as material platforms for novel ionizing radiation sensors is demonstrated. In particular, organic semiconductors are human tissue-equivalent and this represents a unique and desirable property for the development of dosimeters to be employed in the medical field. The ionizing radiation sensors described in this thesis have been designed, fabricated and characterized during my PhD research and are realized onto polymeric foils leading to flexible devices operating at low voltages, in ambient condition and able to directly detect X-rays, gamma-rays and protons. Following the study of the properties and of the mechanisms of interaction between the radiation and the active layers of the sensors, several strategies have been adopted to enhance the efficiency of these detectors. X-rays dosimeters based on organic semiconductors have been realized presenting record sensitivity values compared with the state of the art for large area radiation detection. The unprecedentedly reported performance led to the possibility to testing these devices in actual medical environments. Moreover, the proof-of-principle demonstration of a dosimetric detection of proton beams by organic-based sensors is reported. Finally, a new sensing platform based on metal oxides is introduced. Combining the advantages of amorphous high mobility oxide semiconductors with a multilayer dielectric, novel devices have been designed, capable of providing a sensitivity one order of magnitude higher than the one shown by the standard RADFETs. Thanks to their unique properties, these sensors have been integrated with a wireless readout system based on a commercial RFID tag and its assessment is presented.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Fratelli, Ilaria
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Organic semiconductors, High Mobility Amorphous Oxides, Radiation detectors, Flexible Eletronics
Data di discussione
14 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Fratelli, Ilaria
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Organic semiconductors, High Mobility Amorphous Oxides, Radiation detectors, Flexible Eletronics
Data di discussione
14 Maggio 2021
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