Liu, Meng
Nanocarbon-Supported Electrocatalysts for the Alkaline Water Splitting and Fuel Cells, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Chimica, 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9544.
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Electrocatalysts play a significant role in the processes of electrochemical energy conversion. This thesis focuses on the preparation of carbon-supported nanomaterials and their application as electrocatalysts for alkaline water electrocatalysis and fuel cell. A general synthetic route was developed, i.e., species intercalate into carbon layers of graphite forming graphite intercalation compound, followed by dispersion producing graphenide solution, which then as reduction agent reacts with different metal sources generating the final materials.
The first metal precursor used was non-noble metal iron salt, which generated iron (oxide) nanoparticles finely dispersed on carbon layers in the final composite materials. Meanwhile, graphite starting materials differing in carbon layer size were utilized, which would diversify corresponding graphenide solutions, and further produce various nanomaterials. The characterization results showed
that iron (oxide) nanoparticles varying in size were obtained, and the size was determined by the starting graphite material. It was found that they were electrocatalytically active for oxygen reactions. In particular, the one with small iron (oxide) nanoparticles showed excellent electrocatalytic activity for both oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER).
Afterwards, the metal precursor was tuned from non-noble metal salt to noble metal salt. It was confirmed that carbon-supported Rh, Pt, and RhPt (oxide) nanoparticle composite materials were also successfully obtained from the reaction between graphenide solution and corresponding noble metal precursor. The electrochemical measurements showed that the prepared noble metal-based nanomaterials were quite effective for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) electrocatalysis, and the Rh sample could also display excellent electrocatalytic property towards OER.
Moreover, by this synthetic approach carbon-supported noble metal Pt and non-noble metal nickel (Ni) composite material was also prepared. Therefore, the utilization efficiency of noble metal could be improved. The prepared NiPt sample displayed a property close to benchmark HER electrocatalyst.
Electrocatalysts play a significant role in the processes of electrochemical energy conversion. This thesis focuses on the preparation of carbon-supported nanomaterials and their application as electrocatalysts for alkaline water electrocatalysis and fuel cell. A general synthetic route was developed, i.e., species intercalate into carbon layers of graphite forming graphite intercalation compound, followed by dispersion producing graphenide solution, which then as reduction agent reacts with different metal sources generating the final materials.
The first metal precursor used was non-noble metal iron salt, which generated iron (oxide) nanoparticles finely dispersed on carbon layers in the final composite materials. Meanwhile, graphite starting materials differing in carbon layer size were utilized, which would diversify corresponding graphenide solutions, and further produce various nanomaterials. The characterization results showed
that iron (oxide) nanoparticles varying in size were obtained, and the size was determined by the starting graphite material. It was found that they were electrocatalytically active for oxygen reactions. In particular, the one with small iron (oxide) nanoparticles showed excellent electrocatalytic activity for both oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER).
Afterwards, the metal precursor was tuned from non-noble metal salt to noble metal salt. It was confirmed that carbon-supported Rh, Pt, and RhPt (oxide) nanoparticle composite materials were also successfully obtained from the reaction between graphenide solution and corresponding noble metal precursor. The electrochemical measurements showed that the prepared noble metal-based nanomaterials were quite effective for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) electrocatalysis, and the Rh sample could also display excellent electrocatalytic property towards OER.
Moreover, by this synthetic approach carbon-supported noble metal Pt and non-noble metal nickel (Ni) composite material was also prepared. Therefore, the utilization efficiency of noble metal could be improved. The prepared NiPt sample displayed a property close to benchmark HER electrocatalyst.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Liu, Meng
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
nanocarbon, nanoparticle, non-noble metal, noble metal, electrocatalyst, water splitting, fuel cell
Data di discussione
20 Maggio 2021
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Liu, Meng
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
nanocarbon, nanoparticle, non-noble metal, noble metal, electrocatalyst, water splitting, fuel cell
Data di discussione
20 Maggio 2021
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