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A promising solution in order to cope with the massive request of wireless data traffic consists of having replicas of the potential requested content memorized across the network.
In cache-enabled heterogeneous networks, content is pre-fetched close to the users during network off-peak periods in order to directly serve the users when the network is congested. Caching content at the edge of heterogeneous networks not only leads to significantly reduce the traffic congestion in the backhaul link but also leads to achieve higher levels of energy efficiency. However, the good performance of a system foresees a deep analysis of the possible caching techniques. Due to the physical limitation of the caches' size and the
excessive amount of content, the design of caching policies which define how the content has to be cached and select the likely data to store is crucial.
Within this thesis, caching techniques for storing and delivering the content in heterogeneous networks are investigated from two different aspects. The first part of the thesis is focused on the reduction of the power consumption when the cached content is delivered over an Gaussian interference channel and per-file rate constraints are imposed. Cooperative approaches between the transmitters in order to mitigate the interference experienced by the users are analyzed. Based on such approaches, the caching optimization problem for obtaining the best cache allocation solution (in the sense of minimizing the average power consumption) is proposed. The second part of the thesis is focused on caching techniques at packet level with the aim of reducing the transmissions from the core of an heterogeneous network. The design of caching schemes based on rate-less codes for storing and delivering the cached content are proposed. For each design, the placement optimization problem which minimizes the transmission over the backhaul link is formulated.
A promising solution in order to cope with the massive request of wireless data traffic consists of having replicas of the potential requested content memorized across the network.
In cache-enabled heterogeneous networks, content is pre-fetched close to the users during network off-peak periods in order to directly serve the users when the network is congested. Caching content at the edge of heterogeneous networks not only leads to significantly reduce the traffic congestion in the backhaul link but also leads to achieve higher levels of energy efficiency. However, the good performance of a system foresees a deep analysis of the possible caching techniques. Due to the physical limitation of the caches' size and the
excessive amount of content, the design of caching policies which define how the content has to be cached and select the likely data to store is crucial.
Within this thesis, caching techniques for storing and delivering the content in heterogeneous networks are investigated from two different aspects. The first part of the thesis is focused on the reduction of the power consumption when the cached content is delivered over an Gaussian interference channel and per-file rate constraints are imposed. Cooperative approaches between the transmitters in order to mitigate the interference experienced by the users are analyzed. Based on such approaches, the caching optimization problem for obtaining the best cache allocation solution (in the sense of minimizing the average power consumption) is proposed. The second part of the thesis is focused on caching techniques at packet level with the aim of reducing the transmissions from the core of an heterogeneous network. The design of caching schemes based on rate-less codes for storing and delivering the cached content are proposed. For each design, the placement optimization problem which minimizes the transmission over the backhaul link is formulated.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Recayte, Estefania
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Caching, Heterogeneous Networks, Gaussian Interference Channels, Rateless Caching Scheme, Backhaul Transmissions
Data di discussione
8 Aprile 2019
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Recayte, Estefania
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Caching, Heterogeneous Networks, Gaussian Interference Channels, Rateless Caching Scheme, Backhaul Transmissions
Data di discussione
8 Aprile 2019
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