Dall'ara, Mattia
RNA/RNA interactions involved in the regulation of Benyviridae viral cycle, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari, 29 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8701.
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Multipartite viruses possess two or more genomic segments packaged into independent particles. Such group of viruses infect mostly plants, displaying a wide range of genome types: circular ssDNA, dsRNA or ssRNA with both positive and negative polarity. The condition to assure the complete set of genomic segments in each infected cell implies a high level of multiplicity of infection that results in an unsustainable biological cost in terms of viral replication. Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) has been chosen as a model to investigate the aspect of genome integrity of multipartite RNA viruses since it possess the higher number of genomic segments (RNA1 to 5) within ssRNA(+) viruses. In the proposed model, to minimize the cost of the genome integrity preservation, a network of RNA/RNA interactions determines the recognition and mobilization of each genomic RNA in a modular RNP complex that must be considerate as the mobile infectious unit of the multipartite virus during spreading in the plant. If such RNP complex exists as a regulated and functional viral entity, then it’s expected its preservation within tissues and plant species. Aim of this thesis is to experimentally determine the existence of RNA/RNA interactions between genomic BNYVV RNAs and their implication in the viral cycle. In parallel approaches, I have demonstrated that all BNYVV genomic segments are present within the single infected cell in systemic tissues where they accumulate to reach a set point genomic formula that diverges in different types of organ and host (chapter 1 and 2). In a model where vRNAs interact each other to form mobile infective units, RNA-1 and RNA-2 interact at least in silico and in vitro and the rationale for such interaction has been provided in vivo using BNYVV and Beet soil born mosaic virus chimeras.
Multipartite viruses possess two or more genomic segments packaged into independent particles. Such group of viruses infect mostly plants, displaying a wide range of genome types: circular ssDNA, dsRNA or ssRNA with both positive and negative polarity. The condition to assure the complete set of genomic segments in each infected cell implies a high level of multiplicity of infection that results in an unsustainable biological cost in terms of viral replication. Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) has been chosen as a model to investigate the aspect of genome integrity of multipartite RNA viruses since it possess the higher number of genomic segments (RNA1 to 5) within ssRNA(+) viruses. In the proposed model, to minimize the cost of the genome integrity preservation, a network of RNA/RNA interactions determines the recognition and mobilization of each genomic RNA in a modular RNP complex that must be considerate as the mobile infectious unit of the multipartite virus during spreading in the plant. If such RNP complex exists as a regulated and functional viral entity, then it’s expected its preservation within tissues and plant species. Aim of this thesis is to experimentally determine the existence of RNA/RNA interactions between genomic BNYVV RNAs and their implication in the viral cycle. In parallel approaches, I have demonstrated that all BNYVV genomic segments are present within the single infected cell in systemic tissues where they accumulate to reach a set point genomic formula that diverges in different types of organ and host (chapter 1 and 2). In a model where vRNAs interact each other to form mobile infective units, RNA-1 and RNA-2 interact at least in silico and in vitro and the rationale for such interaction has been provided in vivo using BNYVV and Beet soil born mosaic virus chimeras.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Dall'ara, Mattia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
phytovirus; multipartite virus; segmented genome; genome integrity; systemic movement; RNA/RNA interaction
Data di discussione
18 Maggio 2018
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Dall'ara, Mattia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
phytovirus; multipartite virus; segmented genome; genome integrity; systemic movement; RNA/RNA interaction
Data di discussione
18 Maggio 2018
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