Milic, Branislav
Rural in-Migrations in Serbia. An Assessment of Social and Economic Implication on Rural Communities, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari, 28 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/7915.
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Despite a great need for finding a new niche in deliberation of rural revival, in-migration and its possible role therein has not been assessed in Serbia until now. The aim of this Thesis is exploration of rural in-migrant households in Serbia and their contribution to the rural economy. Sample of 74 rural in-migrant households in two study areas, South-Bačka and Zaječar Districts met the definition’s parameters. The response rate was 81.1%. Survey findings suggest that young and educated families in-migrated from towns in Serbia. Participation of active and employed persons is higher compared to that of inactive and unemployed. Environmentalism have motivated almost half of sample. Family property associated with the loss of a job in the town motivated returnees, while housing was more likely to motivate newcomers. Almost 60% of rural in-migrant households’ farms are small, and around 12% are large holdings, sized 10.1 ha (mean). The total available land is dominated by private ownerships (95.6%), and arable land (70.7%). The majority generate income from agriculture to a certain degree, whereas agriculture is the main source of income for one-third. Four-fifths generate some sort of income within the households, dominated by that originating from agricultural activities. More than half of sample is involved in the output sales market. One third of mainly young and educated rural in-migrant households, is involved in private, micro or small business, providing employment for a total of 78 persons. The socio-economic characteristics and the way of involvement in rural economy is territorially specific, dependent on the factors that motivated migrations, and on general demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the household head. Level of satisfaction with the decision to migrate is very high. Better and much better quality of life in the new environment was reported by 83.3% respondents.
Despite a great need for finding a new niche in deliberation of rural revival, in-migration and its possible role therein has not been assessed in Serbia until now. The aim of this Thesis is exploration of rural in-migrant households in Serbia and their contribution to the rural economy. Sample of 74 rural in-migrant households in two study areas, South-Bačka and Zaječar Districts met the definition’s parameters. The response rate was 81.1%. Survey findings suggest that young and educated families in-migrated from towns in Serbia. Participation of active and employed persons is higher compared to that of inactive and unemployed. Environmentalism have motivated almost half of sample. Family property associated with the loss of a job in the town motivated returnees, while housing was more likely to motivate newcomers. Almost 60% of rural in-migrant households’ farms are small, and around 12% are large holdings, sized 10.1 ha (mean). The total available land is dominated by private ownerships (95.6%), and arable land (70.7%). The majority generate income from agriculture to a certain degree, whereas agriculture is the main source of income for one-third. Four-fifths generate some sort of income within the households, dominated by that originating from agricultural activities. More than half of sample is involved in the output sales market. One third of mainly young and educated rural in-migrant households, is involved in private, micro or small business, providing employment for a total of 78 persons. The socio-economic characteristics and the way of involvement in rural economy is territorially specific, dependent on the factors that motivated migrations, and on general demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the household head. Level of satisfaction with the decision to migrate is very high. Better and much better quality of life in the new environment was reported by 83.3% respondents.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Milic, Branislav
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze agrarie
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Rural development, In-migrations, agriculture, Serbia
Data di discussione
11 Maggio 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Milic, Branislav
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze agrarie
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Rural development, In-migrations, agriculture, Serbia
Data di discussione
11 Maggio 2017
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