Michel, Stephan
The Process of Constitution-Making: A Law and Economics
Analysis, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
European doctorate in law and economics, 28 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/7793.
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This dissertation analyzes the overarching question of how the process of constitution-making affects the written constitution. To shed more light on this issue from a broad perspective, positive and normative research questions are dealt with. Besides an introductory chapter, which sets the stage for the dissertation and an overview of the key literature in chapter 2, this dissertation consists of four content chapters and a short concluding chapter.
Chapter 3 deals with the question whether the process of constitution-making affects the choice of constitutional features. A rational-choice model shows how the introduction of a stage of constitution-making influences the constitutional choice of form of government.
Chapter 4 looks further into the details of the constitution-making process and discusses which procedural rules can effectively constrain the drafters. To analyze this question, we use a theoretical model as well as a regression analysis.
Following this positive analysis, chapter 5 and chapter 6 deal with more normative issues. Chapter 5 follows up on the issue referendums for the ratification of constitutions and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of simple and qualified majority requirements.
Chapter 6 focuses on one specific channel through which drafters can influence the constitutional development in the future, namely unamendable provisions.
A final chapter summarizes the findings in light of the limitations of this dissertation and discusses paths for future research.
This dissertation analyzes the overarching question of how the process of constitution-making affects the written constitution. To shed more light on this issue from a broad perspective, positive and normative research questions are dealt with. Besides an introductory chapter, which sets the stage for the dissertation and an overview of the key literature in chapter 2, this dissertation consists of four content chapters and a short concluding chapter.
Chapter 3 deals with the question whether the process of constitution-making affects the choice of constitutional features. A rational-choice model shows how the introduction of a stage of constitution-making influences the constitutional choice of form of government.
Chapter 4 looks further into the details of the constitution-making process and discusses which procedural rules can effectively constrain the drafters. To analyze this question, we use a theoretical model as well as a regression analysis.
Following this positive analysis, chapter 5 and chapter 6 deal with more normative issues. Chapter 5 follows up on the issue referendums for the ratification of constitutions and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of simple and qualified majority requirements.
Chapter 6 focuses on one specific channel through which drafters can influence the constitutional development in the future, namely unamendable provisions.
A final chapter summarizes the findings in light of the limitations of this dissertation and discusses paths for future research.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Michel, Stephan
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze economiche e statistiche
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Constitution-making, polticial econonmy, referendum, majority rule, unamendability, form of government, constitution, constitutional assembly
Data di discussione
19 Gennaio 2017
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Michel, Stephan
Dottorato di ricerca
Scuola di dottorato
Scienze economiche e statistiche
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Constitution-making, polticial econonmy, referendum, majority rule, unamendability, form of government, constitution, constitutional assembly
Data di discussione
19 Gennaio 2017
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