Rossi, Alessandro
Development and testing of methodologies for the control and diagnosis of innovative combustion systems, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Automotive per una mobilità intelligente, 36 Ciclo.
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In pursuit of aligning with the European Union's ambitious target of achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, researchers, vehicle manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers have been at the forefront of exploring cutting-edge technologies for internal combustion engines. The introduction of these technologies has significantly increased the effort required to calibrate the models implemented in the engine control units. Consequently the development of tools that reduce costs and the time required during the experimental phases, has become imperative.
Additionally, to comply with ever-stricter limits on 〖"CO" 〗_"2" emissions, it is crucial to develop advanced control systems that enhance traditional engine management systems in order to reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, the introduction of new homologation cycles, such as the real driving emissions cycle, compels manufacturers to bridge the gap between engine operation in laboratory tests and real-world conditions.
Within this context, this thesis showcases the performance and cost benefits achievable through the implementation of an auto-adaptive closed-loop control system, leveraging in-cylinder pressure sensors in a heavy-duty diesel engine designed for mining applications. Additionally, the thesis explores the promising prospect of real-time self-adaptive machine learning models, particularly neural networks, to develop an automatic system, using in-cylinder pressure sensors for the precise calibration of the target combustion phase and optimal spark advance in a spark-ignition engines.
To facilitate the application of these combustion process feedback-based algorithms in production applications, the thesis discusses the results obtained from the development of a cost-effective sensor for indirect cylinder pressure measurement. Finally, to ensure the quality control of the proposed affordable sensor, the thesis provides a comprehensive account of the design and validation process for a piezoelectric washer test system.
In pursuit of aligning with the European Union's ambitious target of achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, researchers, vehicle manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers have been at the forefront of exploring cutting-edge technologies for internal combustion engines. The introduction of these technologies has significantly increased the effort required to calibrate the models implemented in the engine control units. Consequently the development of tools that reduce costs and the time required during the experimental phases, has become imperative.
Additionally, to comply with ever-stricter limits on 〖"CO" 〗_"2" emissions, it is crucial to develop advanced control systems that enhance traditional engine management systems in order to reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, the introduction of new homologation cycles, such as the real driving emissions cycle, compels manufacturers to bridge the gap between engine operation in laboratory tests and real-world conditions.
Within this context, this thesis showcases the performance and cost benefits achievable through the implementation of an auto-adaptive closed-loop control system, leveraging in-cylinder pressure sensors in a heavy-duty diesel engine designed for mining applications. Additionally, the thesis explores the promising prospect of real-time self-adaptive machine learning models, particularly neural networks, to develop an automatic system, using in-cylinder pressure sensors for the precise calibration of the target combustion phase and optimal spark advance in a spark-ignition engines.
To facilitate the application of these combustion process feedback-based algorithms in production applications, the thesis discusses the results obtained from the development of a cost-effective sensor for indirect cylinder pressure measurement. Finally, to ensure the quality control of the proposed affordable sensor, the thesis provides a comprehensive account of the design and validation process for a piezoelectric washer test system.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rossi, Alessandro
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Combustion Engine Control Algorithm, Misfire Detection, Combustion Phase angles estimation, Machine Learning Models, Software in the Loop, Engine Model, Knock Detection, Low-cost Sensor, Mining Engine, CO2 reduction, Fuel Consumption Reduction
Data di discussione
25 Marzo 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Rossi, Alessandro
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Combustion Engine Control Algorithm, Misfire Detection, Combustion Phase angles estimation, Machine Learning Models, Software in the Loop, Engine Model, Knock Detection, Low-cost Sensor, Mining Engine, CO2 reduction, Fuel Consumption Reduction
Data di discussione
25 Marzo 2024
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