Spinelli, Andrea
Novel biomaterials for regeneration of periapical bone defects in endodontic and implant therapy, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze biomediche e neuromotorie, 36 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11235.
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Endodontic-related periapical bone defects are a common occurrence in the global populations. Considering the number of root canal treatments performed annually, new strategies and new biomaterials for the management of these bone defects will be important and highlight the need for continued research and development in endodontic field.
The present PhD thesis have several objectives and is divided into two main sections: one focused on in vitro and laboratory research and the other on clinical in vivo investigations.
The first part, focused on laboratory and in vitro research, investigated 2 main topics:
• the microbial communities of apical periodontitis to evaluate the predominant bacterial using 16sr DNA-targeted Nanopore sequencing;
• the physical-chemical properties of innovative premixed calcium-silicate based bioceramic sealers for endodontic therapy;
The second part, focused on in vivo clinical studies, investigated 2 main topics:
• the clinical application of premixed calcium-silicate-based sealers. Ethical committee approval was obtained in 2 separate in vivo studies. The first one is a prospective cohort study with a two-year follow-up where the test group was compared with a control group (considered the gold standard). The second is a pilot prospective cohort study with a 12-month follow-up which set the foundation for a subsequent randomized investigation. Thanks to these investigations, we validated a new technique that innovatively associates a warm obturation technique with calcium-silicate-based sealers. Historically, these sealers were only used with cold techniques. This investigation highlights the possibility for wider utilization and improvements in endodontic techniques.
• The outcome of 2 different types of implants characterized by different surface treatments and placed with different techniques. The marginal bone level and periodontal parameters were evaluated with a follow-up of 4 and 10 years.
This Ph.D thesis is based on a compilation of published papers I have done during my three-year PhD program.
Endodontic-related periapical bone defects are a common occurrence in the global populations. Considering the number of root canal treatments performed annually, new strategies and new biomaterials for the management of these bone defects will be important and highlight the need for continued research and development in endodontic field.
The present PhD thesis have several objectives and is divided into two main sections: one focused on in vitro and laboratory research and the other on clinical in vivo investigations.
The first part, focused on laboratory and in vitro research, investigated 2 main topics:
• the microbial communities of apical periodontitis to evaluate the predominant bacterial using 16sr DNA-targeted Nanopore sequencing;
• the physical-chemical properties of innovative premixed calcium-silicate based bioceramic sealers for endodontic therapy;
The second part, focused on in vivo clinical studies, investigated 2 main topics:
• the clinical application of premixed calcium-silicate-based sealers. Ethical committee approval was obtained in 2 separate in vivo studies. The first one is a prospective cohort study with a two-year follow-up where the test group was compared with a control group (considered the gold standard). The second is a pilot prospective cohort study with a 12-month follow-up which set the foundation for a subsequent randomized investigation. Thanks to these investigations, we validated a new technique that innovatively associates a warm obturation technique with calcium-silicate-based sealers. Historically, these sealers were only used with cold techniques. This investigation highlights the possibility for wider utilization and improvements in endodontic techniques.
• The outcome of 2 different types of implants characterized by different surface treatments and placed with different techniques. The marginal bone level and periodontal parameters were evaluated with a follow-up of 4 and 10 years.
This Ph.D thesis is based on a compilation of published papers I have done during my three-year PhD program.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Spinelli, Andrea
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Endodontics; dental implants; bioceramic sealers; periapical healing; Apical periodontitis; periapical bone defects
Data di discussione
21 Marzo 2024
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Spinelli, Andrea
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Endodontics; dental implants; bioceramic sealers; periapical healing; Apical periodontitis; periapical bone defects
Data di discussione
21 Marzo 2024
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