Perceived exertion: metrological approaches and applications to endurance performance in able-bodied and spinal cord injured populations.

Toffoli, Guillaume (2024) Perceived exertion: metrological approaches and applications to endurance performance in able-bodied and spinal cord injured populations., [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienza e cultura del benessere e degli stili di vita, 36 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11138.
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The thesis contributes significantly to our understanding of perceived exertion (PE), paving the way for further investigation. By rectifying metrological issues, providing nuanced findings, and acknowledging limitations, it offers a foundation for future research in exercise science and sports performance. Endurance training leads whether to improve performance and reduce PE, whether to impaired performance and a concurrent increase in the PE, or modifying either performance or PE with a specificity of training adaptation observed in relation to the modality of training used. PE reflects any psychophysiological stimuli that can affect performance. Through this lens, we can understand its relevance observed in our systematic review regarding the adaptation to any modification in fitness level. Hence, with the aim to monitor endurance training-induced adaptations, analyzing the PE with a method of production, estimation, or ratio is then a major addition. Chapter 2 presents a pivotal metrological inquiry, uncovering a fundamental scientific error that has persisted for over six decades. This discovery challenges the validity of numerous studies in the field of PE and guides a reevaluation of subjective measurement methods. By addressing this error, the thesis establishes a scientific framework for accurately assessing PE in various interventions. The subsequent sections of the thesis apply these insights in practical settings. The research explores novel aspects of PE, particularly its kinetics and relationship with physiological responses. Special attention is given to high-level athletes with spinal cord injuries, offering unique insights into their psychophysiological responses to exercise and longitudinal monitoring. In summary, the thesis advances our understanding of PE by rectifying metrological errors, providing nuanced findings, and applying scientific rigor to subjective measurement methods. It underscores the importance of PE in training adaptations and offers valuable insights into the experiences of athletes with spinal cord injuries.

Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Toffoli, Guillaume
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Perceived exertion; Endurance performance; Metrology; Spinal cord injury
Data di discussione
8 Luglio 2024

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