Ditaranto, Raffaello
Correlations between cardiac magnetic resonance and histologic findings in Anderson Fabry disease, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze cardio nefro toraciche, 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10504.
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Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has been shown as promising diagnostic tool in Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) cardiomyopathy due to its ability to detect fat deposits through lower native T1 values. However no histological validation has been provided to date.
To correlate CMR and histologic findings in different cardiac stages of AFD focusing on T1 mapping. Methods Fifteen AFD patients (49 years [IQR 39-63], 60% females) undergoing CMR (cines, native T1 and T2 mapping, LGE and post-contrast T1 imaging) and endomyocardial biopsy (EMB, n=11) or septal myectomy (n=4), were retrospectively evaluated. Tissue specimens were analyzed with light/electron microscopy and vacuolization amount calculated as percentages of vacuolated myocytes and vacuolated myocyte area (%VMA) through a quantitative histomorphometric color-based analysis.
In patients without increased indexed left ventricular mass (LVMi) at CMR (67%), T1 fell as %VMA increased (r= -0.883; p<0.001), whereas no clear relationship was evident once increased LVMi occurred (r= -0.501; p=0.389). At least 45% of vacuolized myocytes and 10% of VMA were needed for low T1 to occur. %VMA positively correlate with maximal wall thickness (MWT, r=0.860, p<0.0001) and LVMi (r= 0.762; p<0.001). Increased MWT and LVMi were present with at least 45% and 80% of vacuolated myocytes, respectively, and 18% and 22% of VMA.
This study demonstrated an inverse correlation between native T1 and the vacuolization amount in patients without increased LVMi at CMR, providing a histological validation of low native T1 in AFD. Importantly, a significant vacuolization burden was needed before low T1 and left ventricle hypertrophy occurred.
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) has been shown as promising diagnostic tool in Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) cardiomyopathy due to its ability to detect fat deposits through lower native T1 values. However no histological validation has been provided to date.
To correlate CMR and histologic findings in different cardiac stages of AFD focusing on T1 mapping. Methods Fifteen AFD patients (49 years [IQR 39-63], 60% females) undergoing CMR (cines, native T1 and T2 mapping, LGE and post-contrast T1 imaging) and endomyocardial biopsy (EMB, n=11) or septal myectomy (n=4), were retrospectively evaluated. Tissue specimens were analyzed with light/electron microscopy and vacuolization amount calculated as percentages of vacuolated myocytes and vacuolated myocyte area (%VMA) through a quantitative histomorphometric color-based analysis.
In patients without increased indexed left ventricular mass (LVMi) at CMR (67%), T1 fell as %VMA increased (r= -0.883; p<0.001), whereas no clear relationship was evident once increased LVMi occurred (r= -0.501; p=0.389). At least 45% of vacuolized myocytes and 10% of VMA were needed for low T1 to occur. %VMA positively correlate with maximal wall thickness (MWT, r=0.860, p<0.0001) and LVMi (r= 0.762; p<0.001). Increased MWT and LVMi were present with at least 45% and 80% of vacuolated myocytes, respectively, and 18% and 22% of VMA.
This study demonstrated an inverse correlation between native T1 and the vacuolization amount in patients without increased LVMi at CMR, providing a histological validation of low native T1 in AFD. Importantly, a significant vacuolization burden was needed before low T1 and left ventricle hypertrophy occurred.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Ditaranto, Raffaello
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Anderson Fabry disease; cardiomyopathy; cardiac magnetic resonance
Data di discussione
24 Marzo 2023
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Ditaranto, Raffaello
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Anderson Fabry disease; cardiomyopathy; cardiac magnetic resonance
Data di discussione
24 Marzo 2023
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