Bertolani, Giulia
Modelling, simulation and control of rotary-wing aircraft in multi-agent scenario, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Meccanica e scienze avanzate dell'ingegneria, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10438.
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The topic of this thesis is the design and the implementation of mathematical models and control system algorithms for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in cooperative scenarios.
The use of rotorcrafts has many attractive advantages, since these vehicles have the capability to take-off and land vertically, to hover and to move backward and laterally. Rotary-wing aircraft missions require precise control characteristics due to their unstable and heavy coupling aspects.
As a matter of fact, flight test is the most accurate way to evaluate flying qualities and to test control systems. However, it may be very expensive and/or not feasible in case of early stage design and prototyping. A good compromise is made by a preliminary assessment performed by means of simulations and a reduced flight testing campaign. Consequently, having an analytical framework represents an important stage for simulations and control algorithm design.
In this work mathematical models for various helicopter configurations are implemented. Different flight control techniques for helicopters are presented with theoretical background and tested via simulations and experimental flight tests on a small-scale unmanned helicopter. The same platform is used also in a cooperative scenario with a rover. Control strategies, algorithms and their implementation to perform missions are presented for two main scenarios.
One of the main contributions of this thesis is to propose a suitable control system made by a classical PID baseline controller augmented with L1 adaptive contribution. In addition a complete analytical framework and the study of the dynamics and the stability of a synch-rotor are provided. At last, the implementation of cooperative control strategies for two main scenarios that include a small-scale unmanned helicopter and a rover.
The topic of this thesis is the design and the implementation of mathematical models and control system algorithms for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in cooperative scenarios.
The use of rotorcrafts has many attractive advantages, since these vehicles have the capability to take-off and land vertically, to hover and to move backward and laterally. Rotary-wing aircraft missions require precise control characteristics due to their unstable and heavy coupling aspects.
As a matter of fact, flight test is the most accurate way to evaluate flying qualities and to test control systems. However, it may be very expensive and/or not feasible in case of early stage design and prototyping. A good compromise is made by a preliminary assessment performed by means of simulations and a reduced flight testing campaign. Consequently, having an analytical framework represents an important stage for simulations and control algorithm design.
In this work mathematical models for various helicopter configurations are implemented. Different flight control techniques for helicopters are presented with theoretical background and tested via simulations and experimental flight tests on a small-scale unmanned helicopter. The same platform is used also in a cooperative scenario with a rover. Control strategies, algorithms and their implementation to perform missions are presented for two main scenarios.
One of the main contributions of this thesis is to propose a suitable control system made by a classical PID baseline controller augmented with L1 adaptive contribution. In addition a complete analytical framework and the study of the dynamics and the stability of a synch-rotor are provided. At last, the implementation of cooperative control strategies for two main scenarios that include a small-scale unmanned helicopter and a rover.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bertolani, Giulia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Rotorcraft, Helicopter, Cooperative control, Adaptive controller, Synchrotor, Intermeshing rotors, Formation flight
Data di discussione
24 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Bertolani, Giulia
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Rotorcraft, Helicopter, Cooperative control, Adaptive controller, Synchrotor, Intermeshing rotors, Formation flight
Data di discussione
24 Giugno 2022
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