Makoundou, Ngongo Christina Jessie
Vulnerable users' protection with advanced recycling paving materials.
Design and characterisation of rubber-based impact-absorbing pavement materials for bike lanes and sidewalks, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Ingegneria civile, chimica, ambientale e dei materiali, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10411.
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Our cities are constantly evolving, and the necessity to improve the condition and safety of the urban infrastructures is fundamental. However, on the roads, the specific needs of cyclists and pedestrians are often neglected.
The Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), among whom cyclists and pedestrians are, rarely benefit from the most innovative safety measures. Inspired by playgrounds and aiming to reduce VRUs injuries, the Impact-Absorbing Pavements (IAP) developed as novel sidewalks, and bike lanes surface layers may help decrease injuries, fatalities, and the related societal costs. To achieve this goal, the End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) crumb rubber (CR) is used as a primary resource, bringing its elastic properties into the surface layer.
The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first concerns the formulation and the definition of a feasible mix. The second explores the mechanical and environmental properties in detail, and the ageing effect is also assessed. The third describes the modelling of the material to simulate accidents and measure the injury reduction, especially on the head. The fourth chapter is reserved for the field trial. The last gives some perspectives on the research and proposes a way to optimize and improve the data and results collected during the doctoral research.
It was observed that the specimens made with cold protocol have noticeable performances and reduce the overall carbon footprint impact of this material. The material modelling and the accident simulation proved the performance of the IAP against head injuries, and the field trial confirmed the good results obtained in the laboratory for the cold-made material.
Finally, the outcomes of this thesis opened many prospective to the IAP development, such as the use of a plant-based binder or recycled aggregates and gave a positive prospect of an innovative material to the urban road infrastructures.
Our cities are constantly evolving, and the necessity to improve the condition and safety of the urban infrastructures is fundamental. However, on the roads, the specific needs of cyclists and pedestrians are often neglected.
The Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), among whom cyclists and pedestrians are, rarely benefit from the most innovative safety measures. Inspired by playgrounds and aiming to reduce VRUs injuries, the Impact-Absorbing Pavements (IAP) developed as novel sidewalks, and bike lanes surface layers may help decrease injuries, fatalities, and the related societal costs. To achieve this goal, the End-of-Life Tyres (ELTs) crumb rubber (CR) is used as a primary resource, bringing its elastic properties into the surface layer.
The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first concerns the formulation and the definition of a feasible mix. The second explores the mechanical and environmental properties in detail, and the ageing effect is also assessed. The third describes the modelling of the material to simulate accidents and measure the injury reduction, especially on the head. The fourth chapter is reserved for the field trial. The last gives some perspectives on the research and proposes a way to optimize and improve the data and results collected during the doctoral research.
It was observed that the specimens made with cold protocol have noticeable performances and reduce the overall carbon footprint impact of this material. The material modelling and the accident simulation proved the performance of the IAP against head injuries, and the field trial confirmed the good results obtained in the laboratory for the cold-made material.
Finally, the outcomes of this thesis opened many prospective to the IAP development, such as the use of a plant-based binder or recycled aggregates and gave a positive prospect of an innovative material to the urban road infrastructures.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Makoundou, Ngongo Christina Jessie
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
End-of-Life tyres
Crumb Rubber
Paving Materials
Impact-Absorbing Pavement
Urban Pavement
Vulnerable Road Users
Data di discussione
16 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Makoundou, Ngongo Christina Jessie
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
End-of-Life tyres
Crumb Rubber
Paving Materials
Impact-Absorbing Pavement
Urban Pavement
Vulnerable Road Users
Data di discussione
16 Giugno 2022
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