Beni Houd, Youssef
Innovation Diffusion and Biostimulant knowledge in Moroccan agriculture, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari, 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10281.
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Our study focused on Morocco investigating the dissemination of PBs amongst farmers belonging to the first pillar of the GMP, located in the Fès-Meknès region. As well as to assess how innovation adoption is influenced by the network of relationships that various farmers are involved in.
We adopted an “ego network” approach to identify the primary stakeholders responsible for the diffusion of PBs. We collected data through “face-to-face” interviews with 80 farmers in April and May 2021. The data were processed with the aim of: 1) analysing the total number of main and specific topics discussed between egos and egos’ alters regarding the variation of some egos attributes; 2) analysing egos’ network characteristics using E-Net software, and 3) identifying the significant variables that influence farmers to access knowledge, use and reuse of PBs a Binary Logistic Regression (LR) was applied. The first result disclosed that the main PBs topics discussed were technical positioning, the need to use PBs, knowledge of PBs, and organic PBs. We noted that farmers have specific features: they have a high school diploma and a bachelor's degree; they are specialised in fruits and cereals farming, and they are managers and members of a professional organisation. The second result showed results of SNA: 1) PBs seem to become generally a common argument for farmers who have already exchanged fertiliser information with their alters; 2) we disclosed a moderate heterogeneity in the networks, farmers have access to information mainly from acquaintances and professionals, and 3) we revealed that networks have a relatively low density and alters are not tightly connected to each other. Farmers have a brokerage position in the networks controlling the flow of information about the PBs. LR revealed that both the farmers’ attributes and the networks’ characteristics influence growers to know, use and reuse PBs.
Our study focused on Morocco investigating the dissemination of PBs amongst farmers belonging to the first pillar of the GMP, located in the Fès-Meknès region. As well as to assess how innovation adoption is influenced by the network of relationships that various farmers are involved in.
We adopted an “ego network” approach to identify the primary stakeholders responsible for the diffusion of PBs. We collected data through “face-to-face” interviews with 80 farmers in April and May 2021. The data were processed with the aim of: 1) analysing the total number of main and specific topics discussed between egos and egos’ alters regarding the variation of some egos attributes; 2) analysing egos’ network characteristics using E-Net software, and 3) identifying the significant variables that influence farmers to access knowledge, use and reuse of PBs a Binary Logistic Regression (LR) was applied. The first result disclosed that the main PBs topics discussed were technical positioning, the need to use PBs, knowledge of PBs, and organic PBs. We noted that farmers have specific features: they have a high school diploma and a bachelor's degree; they are specialised in fruits and cereals farming, and they are managers and members of a professional organisation. The second result showed results of SNA: 1) PBs seem to become generally a common argument for farmers who have already exchanged fertiliser information with their alters; 2) we disclosed a moderate heterogeneity in the networks, farmers have access to information mainly from acquaintances and professionals, and 3) we revealed that networks have a relatively low density and alters are not tightly connected to each other. Farmers have a brokerage position in the networks controlling the flow of information about the PBs. LR revealed that both the farmers’ attributes and the networks’ characteristics influence growers to know, use and reuse PBs.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Beni Houd, Youssef
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Innovation diffusion, Biostimulants (PBs), Moroccan Agriculture, SNA, Ego network.
Data di discussione
16 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Beni Houd, Youssef
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Innovation diffusion, Biostimulants (PBs), Moroccan Agriculture, SNA, Ego network.
Data di discussione
16 Giugno 2022
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