Silvagni, Giacomo
Development of Advanced Combustions using Cylinder Pressure Signal, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Automotive per una mobilità intelligente, 34 Ciclo.
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Zero-carbon powertrains development has become one of the main challenges for automotive industries around the world. Following this guideline, several approaches such as powertrain electrification, advanced combustions, and hydrogen internal combustion engines have been aimed to achieve the goal. Low Temperature Combustions, characterized by a simultaneous reduction of fuel consumption and emissions, represent one of the most studied solutions moving towards a sustainable mobility.
Previous research demonstrate that Gasoline partially premixed Compression Ignition combustion is one of the most promising LTC. Mainly characterized by the high-pressure direct-injection of gasoline and the spontaneous ignition of the premixed air-fuel mixture, GCI combustion has shown a good potential to achieve the high thermal efficiency and low pollutants in compression ignited engines required by future emission regulations. Despite its potential, GCI combustion might suffer from low combustion controllability and stability, because gasoline spontaneous ignition is significantly affected by slight variations of the local in-cylinder thermal conditions. Therefore, to properly control GCI combustion assuring the maximum performance, a deep knowledge of the combustion process, i.e., gasoline auto-ignition and the effect of the control parameters on the combustion and pollutants, is mandatory.
This PhD dissertation focuses on the study of GCI combustion in a light-duty compression ignited engine. Starting from a standard 1.3L diesel engine, this work describes the activities made moving toward the full conversion of the engine. A preliminary study of the GCI combustion was conducted in a “Single-Cylinder” engine configuration highlighting combustion characteristics and dependencies on the control parameters. Then, the full engine conversion was performed, and a wide experimental campaign allowed to confirm the benefits of this advanced combustion methodologies in terms of pollutants and thermal efficiency. The analysis of the in-cylinder pressure signal allowed to study in depth the GCI combustion and develop control-oriented models aimed to improve the combustion stability.
Zero-carbon powertrains development has become one of the main challenges for automotive industries around the world. Following this guideline, several approaches such as powertrain electrification, advanced combustions, and hydrogen internal combustion engines have been aimed to achieve the goal. Low Temperature Combustions, characterized by a simultaneous reduction of fuel consumption and emissions, represent one of the most studied solutions moving towards a sustainable mobility.
Previous research demonstrate that Gasoline partially premixed Compression Ignition combustion is one of the most promising LTC. Mainly characterized by the high-pressure direct-injection of gasoline and the spontaneous ignition of the premixed air-fuel mixture, GCI combustion has shown a good potential to achieve the high thermal efficiency and low pollutants in compression ignited engines required by future emission regulations. Despite its potential, GCI combustion might suffer from low combustion controllability and stability, because gasoline spontaneous ignition is significantly affected by slight variations of the local in-cylinder thermal conditions. Therefore, to properly control GCI combustion assuring the maximum performance, a deep knowledge of the combustion process, i.e., gasoline auto-ignition and the effect of the control parameters on the combustion and pollutants, is mandatory.
This PhD dissertation focuses on the study of GCI combustion in a light-duty compression ignited engine. Starting from a standard 1.3L diesel engine, this work describes the activities made moving toward the full conversion of the engine. A preliminary study of the GCI combustion was conducted in a “Single-Cylinder” engine configuration highlighting combustion characteristics and dependencies on the control parameters. Then, the full engine conversion was performed, and a wide experimental campaign allowed to confirm the benefits of this advanced combustion methodologies in terms of pollutants and thermal efficiency. The analysis of the in-cylinder pressure signal allowed to study in depth the GCI combustion and develop control-oriented models aimed to improve the combustion stability.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Silvagni, Giacomo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Model-based, Accelerometer, In-cylinder Pressure signal, Combustion control, Pressure waves, Common-rail injection system, Gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion, LTC, GCI, Rapid-control prototyping systems, test bench, test cell, pollutants emissions, efficiency, EGR
Data di discussione
27 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Silvagni, Giacomo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Model-based, Accelerometer, In-cylinder Pressure signal, Combustion control, Pressure waves, Common-rail injection system, Gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion, LTC, GCI, Rapid-control prototyping systems, test bench, test cell, pollutants emissions, efficiency, EGR
Data di discussione
27 Giugno 2022
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