Morselli, Giacomo
Synthesis and electronic properties of luminescent silicon nanocrystals and copper indium sulphide quantum dots, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna.
Dottorato di ricerca in
Nanoscienze per la medicina e per l'ambiente, 34 Ciclo.
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In the last decades, nanomaterials, and in particular semiconducting nanoparticles (or quantum dots), have gained increasing attention due to their controllable optical properties and potential applications.
Silicon nanoparticles (also called silicon nanocrystals, SiNCs) have been extensively studied in the last years, due to their physical and chemical properties which render them a valid alternative to conventional quantum dots. During my PhD studies I have planned new synthetical routes to obtain SiNCs functionalised with molecules which could ameliorate the properties of the nanoparticle. However, this was certainly challenging, because SiNCs are very susceptible to many reagents and conditions that are often used in organic synthesis. They can be irreversibly quenched in the presence of alkalis, they can be damaged in the presence of oxidants, they can modify their optical properties in the presence of many nitrogen-containing compounds, metal complexes or simple organic molecules. If their surface is not well-passivated, the oxygen can introduce defect states, or they can aggregate and precipitate in several solvents.
Therefore, I was able to functionalise SiNCs with different ligands: chromophores, amines, carboxylic acids, poly(ethylene)glycol, even ameliorating functionalisation strategies that already existed.
This thesis will collect the experimental procedures used to synthesize silicon nanocrystals, the strategies adopted to functionalise effectively the nanoparticle with different types of organic molecules, and the characterisation of their surface, physical properties and luminescence (mostly photogenerated, but also electrochemigenerated).
I also spent a period of 7 months in Leeds (UK), where I managed to learn how to synthesize other cadmium-free quantum dots made of copper, indium and sulphur (CIS QDs). During my last year of PhD, I focused on their functionalisation by ligand exchange techniques, yielding the first example of light-harvesting antenna based on those quantum dots. Part of this thesis is dedicated to them.
In the last decades, nanomaterials, and in particular semiconducting nanoparticles (or quantum dots), have gained increasing attention due to their controllable optical properties and potential applications.
Silicon nanoparticles (also called silicon nanocrystals, SiNCs) have been extensively studied in the last years, due to their physical and chemical properties which render them a valid alternative to conventional quantum dots. During my PhD studies I have planned new synthetical routes to obtain SiNCs functionalised with molecules which could ameliorate the properties of the nanoparticle. However, this was certainly challenging, because SiNCs are very susceptible to many reagents and conditions that are often used in organic synthesis. They can be irreversibly quenched in the presence of alkalis, they can be damaged in the presence of oxidants, they can modify their optical properties in the presence of many nitrogen-containing compounds, metal complexes or simple organic molecules. If their surface is not well-passivated, the oxygen can introduce defect states, or they can aggregate and precipitate in several solvents.
Therefore, I was able to functionalise SiNCs with different ligands: chromophores, amines, carboxylic acids, poly(ethylene)glycol, even ameliorating functionalisation strategies that already existed.
This thesis will collect the experimental procedures used to synthesize silicon nanocrystals, the strategies adopted to functionalise effectively the nanoparticle with different types of organic molecules, and the characterisation of their surface, physical properties and luminescence (mostly photogenerated, but also electrochemigenerated).
I also spent a period of 7 months in Leeds (UK), where I managed to learn how to synthesize other cadmium-free quantum dots made of copper, indium and sulphur (CIS QDs). During my last year of PhD, I focused on their functionalisation by ligand exchange techniques, yielding the first example of light-harvesting antenna based on those quantum dots. Part of this thesis is dedicated to them.
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Morselli, Giacomo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Photophysics, photochemistry, luminescence, photoluminescence, electrochemiluminescence, nanoparticles, nanocrystals, quantum dots, silicon, copper, indium, sulfide, organic synthesis, inorganic synthesis, functionalisation, ligand exchange, light-harvesting antennae, chromophores, PEGylation, amide coupling, applications.
Data di discussione
22 Giugno 2022
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Tesi di dottorato
Morselli, Giacomo
Dottorato di ricerca
Settore disciplinare
Settore concorsuale
Parole chiave
Photophysics, photochemistry, luminescence, photoluminescence, electrochemiluminescence, nanoparticles, nanocrystals, quantum dots, silicon, copper, indium, sulfide, organic synthesis, inorganic synthesis, functionalisation, ligand exchange, light-harvesting antennae, chromophores, PEGylation, amide coupling, applications.
Data di discussione
22 Giugno 2022
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